Why are adults looked down upon for being close to their parents?

2020-10-05 3:56 pm
I have mentioned my family members to others, and they show disdain of me for doing so. As if once you move out into your own place, you are only supposed to have a long distance relationship with them, such as on holidays only, and to never speak of them in front of peers.

I've lived independently for the last 14 years, have not mooched off them, or needed them for hardly anything. I might call them once a week, but other than that, I live my own life.

I suppose the relationship is closer than usual, because my parents still cling to me, despite me trying to express my own need for independence. Such as my dad or mom get upset if I don't want to visit them on weekends and wish to do my own thing.

回答 (6)

2020-10-05 9:07 pm
We haven't really grown up until we accept that our parents will ALWAYS act like parents, will always seek to guide us and protect us as if we were perpetual children. When we've reached puberty or adolescence and are desperately asserting our independence, desperately seeking recognition and validation for those "I'm not a child any longer" feelings, we start responding to that kind of parental behavior with anger and resentment. I suggest that those looking down on you are, whatever their ages may be, not yet finished with that adolescent anger and resentment of parents. And they view your own lack of anger and resentment as being BEHIND them, stuck in childhood rather than understanding you're AHEAD of them and put that sort of adolescent resentment behind you. 
2020-10-05 3:57 pm
They're not. You're weird. You should get your paranoid delusions checked out.
2020-10-06 8:17 am
maybe theyre jealous
2020-10-05 8:11 pm
Most adults are not up their parents butt, they cut the cord when they move out.
2020-10-05 4:09 pm
They aren't, but you probably shouldn't mention petty unimportant stuff about them to others because they're not interested and that's why they look at you weird because they don't know why you would think they are interested in small talk about your parents. 
2020-10-05 4:08 pm
Nobody I know would do this. Quite the contrary.

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