Can you immediately rent out a house you have just bought?

2020-10-05 7:58 am
Hey everyone, I'm looking to buy a house in another state but don't plan on living there for a while. Could I rent out until I ultimately move to that state?


回答 (35)

2020-10-05 5:49 pm
As long as your mortgage lender agrees, sure. 
If you have a residential-only mortgage, you may not be allowed to do so.
2020-10-06 10:28 pm
Yes, but....

There is always a but. In this case, if you need to get a mortgage to buy the property, the vast majority of lenders REQUIRE the property to be owner-occupied.  This means you cannot rent it out.  This means you must make a choice between committing fraud on your loan application and again when you sign the mortgage documents, and hoping you don't get caught renting it (lenders are diligent about checking on this when the buyer comes from outside the area, and if caught, they can call the loan as immediately due and payable), or telling the truth and being charged the higher interest rates for investment property.

The right thing to do is always tell the truth. Get the investor loan and when you do move there and take occupancy, refinance to a lower rate.
2020-10-06 1:29 am
Much of that would depend upon where the house is located. In addition, you may have mortgage conditions that would prohibit your renting it out. By where the house is located I mean there may be zoning restrictions against renting, or in an area where there is an HOA, there could be covenants that ban renting it out. Also, a drawback would be that you would not be available to handle day to day problems that landlords encounter.
2020-10-05 12:05 pm
You can but you'd better get a property manager. If the toilet backs up, not alot you can do about it from several states away.
2020-10-05 8:57 am
No law prevents it, but an FHA mortgage might.
2020-10-05 8:36 am
Yes you can if there is nothing restricting you from doing that.    Paying cash for the house means you get to make all the decisions.

If you plan to borrow money to pay for the house, the mortgage lender you choose will have requirements for you.    There are mortgages that require the home to be owner occupied and there are mortgages that allow you to be in the landlord business.  
2020-10-06 5:06 am
In most cases yes.  There are some exceptions.  For example your mortgage contract may prevent you (because you claimed it to be your primary residence).  Another reason is your homeowner's association may prevent you. Your local government may prevent you or require you to first obtain a permit to rent.  This is a great question to ask the real estate agent you hire to represent you in the purchase.  Good Luck.
2020-10-05 9:13 am
Maybe.  In some places, zoning laws don't let you rent it -- ever.  In some places, you can rent it immediately.
2020-10-05 8:42 am
If you buy a property with the intent to lease it, you will pay a higher interest rate.  You will be asked on the application if you intend to move in right after closing. Saying "yes" but then not doing so is mortgage fraud.
2020-10-05 8:00 am
Not the second it becomes yours, gas safety inspection and such safety matters relevant to where the house is. Did you buy it cash or mortgage? You might need to change the mortgage if it's not a buy to let one. Also insurance, you don't have to insure the tenants belongings but you need to insure the building.
2020-10-05 9:10 pm
Depends on the mortgage you purchased with, most are sold to owner-occupiers, so the owner has to live in it, so you need to comntact your mortgage company and get permission to rent it out and that likely means you will have to change to a buy you rent mortgage and/or pay a fee to get written permission from your lender
2020-10-09 5:29 am
not enough info to answer this
2020-10-05 8:10 am
As long as you get a non-owner occupied mortgage, you can rent it out without doing anything.
2020-10-07 1:08 am
It all depends if you paid cash for the house or have a mortgage.  If you paid cash - then yes, you can rent it out.  If you have a mortgage (making payments) - then read your paperwork because most mortgages require you to live in the home and if you rent it out - the mortgage will be cancelled.
2020-10-06 6:27 am
why buy a house you wont live in , i would have invested my money then buy when i move .
2020-10-05 12:53 pm
you can but you wont find it easy. absentee property can easliy cause you to loose the property since your not occupiing it and the renter is.

you must be pilot and own aircraft.
2020-10-05 8:49 pm
Why not?  Unless there are local laws that prevent you from turning a single-family home into a rental, you can do whatever you want with a house you own. 
2020-10-08 7:24 am
Yes. I did that this year with an apartment I bought in the city, though it was always my intention to be renting it out.

After exchange of contracts but before settlement I spoke to a number of real estate agents, and agreed with one agent that they would be the ones to manage my property. The advertisement was up on the same day I settled. I had a paying tenant within four weeks (it would have been much sooner but for the COVID-19 situation).

It is possible to manage a property yourself, but I wouldn't recommend it if you are interstate. And you need to know the tenancy law in the state where your house is.

Where I live mortgagee banks won't prevent you from renting a place out, but they want to know about it and will charge a slightly higher interest rate. But as you live in the USA the rules may be different.

If you don't rent it out you risk getting squatters. They break into the house then change the locks, and they don't pay you any rent, but you will still have to pay council rates etc. It can be more difficult to get a squatter out than you imagine. It usually requires a court order.
2020-10-07 7:58 pm
Bite your...It,s dirty.You have to be a teacher,not to be a revolutionist against all,may all too,some time!!!
2020-10-07 6:36 pm
Hitler's homosexual partner was Heydrich

Homosexuals are not Christian; they're freemasons

Lenin's homosexual partner was Zinoviev (but also Bronstein ... once)

All these leaders (Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt) had Jewish blood in them and engaged in debauchery.

According to Grigoriy Klimov, three stages of degeneracy are

1)sodomy (anal, oral, masturbation, pedophilia, incest, etc.)

2)insane asylum

3)physical deformities in children (horse foot, rabbit lip, wolf jaw, different length limbs, etc.)

Homosexual Lenin was put into an insane asylum and didn't have kids even though he was married to Krupskaya

Degenerates are usually aggressive and end up in jail

Jail doesn't make you gay. Gays go to prison because they're super aggressive.

Degenerates are usually told to become monks but Judaism doesn't have monkhood. So, these aggressive degenerates tend to become politicians

Karl Marx forked Engels

In hell, 4 biggest sinners are (in this order)





Lenin had syphilis. His brains were the size of a walnut. Why? Because degenerates drink vodka and experiment with drugs.

According to Saint Prophet Healer Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, vodka dries up one's brains; forgive me
參考: burn your documents and electronics (so that you won't be tracked... even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the antichrist). Hide within a 10-15 people group (saint Gabriel Urgebadze and saint Seraphim of Sarov) in order to escape mark of the beast. If you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven (saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov); forgive me.
2020-10-07 5:51 am
why not if it's a good oportunity.
2020-10-07 12:04 am
To be very honest, if i buy this house for investment purpose and if i get profit form that then why not?
2020-10-06 9:38 pm
why not if it's a good oportunity.
2020-10-06 8:54 pm
I worked for a mortgage company.  Read your Deed of Trust and your Note very carefully.  The bank ordinarily will not allow you to sublet the property to another person.  I don't remember which clause it is, but it says that if you do, the bank has the right to "call" the note and the entire debt will be due immediately.  Don't do it.
2020-10-06 2:12 pm
Unless ur morgage says u cant soo how much is the rent 😀
2020-10-06 1:30 pm
That depends on your loan documents.  Did you inform the lenders that you intend to use the property as a rental?  If you did not, then you need to inform them.
2020-10-06 11:21 am
Of course you can. you can rent it out before you move into the house, it's your house. the only way you can't is if you bought it through some organization and they require it to be your primary residence for x amount of years. But if you bought it through the regular process it's yours.  You can do what you want. 
2020-10-06 11:12 am
You probably can
2020-10-06 5:22 am
Only if your mortgage doesn't prohibit it.
2020-10-06 2:25 am
Probably, but you need to check local ordinances and state laws regarding renting out properties.  Also, you should be aware of eviction processes if you accidentally rent to idiots.
2020-10-06 12:56 am
It depends on what type of loan you have . Some stipulate you must live there for a set time frame.  If there is an HOA then you also need to check the CC&Rs to see if renting it out is allowed. Many HOA prohibit renting out the home. 
2020-10-11 3:55 am
YES! You can ZAZAZAZA in most areas, but you need to check with the township on the rules for doing such, each township is a bit different, so you need to ask them not us!
2020-10-06 12:25 pm
Unless it was a hud house you agreed to live in for so long. When I bought my foreclosure I had to agree to live here a year. If you are borrowing its probably up to the lender too. I paid cash.
2020-10-06 2:53 am
yes you can.  Michelle Obama said he did that
2020-10-06 1:35 am
Most Jewish families do that. Check for the rules in your community.
2020-10-05 8:58 am
i dont see why not

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