I feel old even though I'm just about to turn 20?

2020-10-03 11:23 pm
I think it might be because I look very young, most people say I look 16. I look and feel younger than 20 but I am turning 20 next month and I feel old. Kinda dumb isn't it? I'm afraid I'll stop being pretty and that i've already peaked or that I'm at my peak right now and it can just go worse from here...

回答 (9)

2020-10-03 11:44 pm
I’m 50 now. I got freaked out at 20 too. That was the only time it happened for me though, not for 30, 40 or even 50. The only other times i’ve had similar feelings happen to me was after some near death experiences. No it’s not dumb it’s just your evolution as a human being. We all get reminders that we won’t be here forever. Sometimes we have to ask ourselves what it all means and if we are using our time right. We don’t know the order that we are all going to die or even when but that it will happen some day. Make the best of the time you are given. Maybe pursue a spiritual path will help - this is on the lgbt board - there are pro lgbt churches and mediation centers out there. Its a good check up from the neck up and it happens to all of us at different life events.
2020-10-04 9:33 am
You have a long time before you can start feeling old.  Just wait until you're 45 going on 60.
2020-10-04 1:40 am
Bloody hell, let's put this in perspective shall we? You are so young you could murder someone, get sent down for it and then still have a pretty life after you did time. You are not old.
2020-10-04 9:49 am
You might have one of the aging diseases that makes you grow older at a faster rate.

"Progeria" sounds like it might apply to you.

So be sure and see your physician soon.
2020-10-13 12:47 am
You are not old. In fact, you are still a year away from adulthood. (Legal that is)
You look 16 because there is no physical or mental difference between you then and you now. 
2020-10-06 12:55 pm
You might want ti talk to someone about your feelings.
2020-10-05 4:11 am
I'll be 69, next month, you have along life ahead og you!
2020-10-18 11:05 am
Hitler's homosexual partners were many.

Homosexuals are not Christian; they're free-masons.

Lenin's homosexual partner was Zinoviev (but also Bronstein ... once).

All these leaders (Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt) had Jewish blood in them and engaged in debauchery.

According to Grigoriy Klimov, three stages of degeneracy are

1)sodomy (anal, oral, masturbation, pedophilia, incest, etc.)

2)insane asylum

3)physical deformities in children (horsefoot, rabbit lip, wolf jaw, different length limbs, etc.)

Homosexual Lenin was put into an insane asylum and didn't have kids even though he was married to Krupskaya.

Degenerates are usually aggressive and end up in jail.

Jail doesn't make you gay. Gays go to prison because they're super aggressive.

Degenerates are usually told to become monks but Judaism doesn't have monkhood. So, these aggressive degenerates tend to become politicians.

Karl Marx forked Engels.

In hell, 4 biggest sinners are (in this order)





Lenin had syphilis. His brains were the size of a walnut. Why? Because degenerates drink vodka and experiment with drugs.

According to Saint ProphetHealer VyacheslavKrasheninnikov, vodka dries up one's brains

Don't go into a UFO to be "healed" by evil demons. Unforgivablegreen666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive smallplasticgreycard withnonameonit (World Passport). Hide with OrthodoxChristians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents because they're from Satan. Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways.If the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her ancestors go to heaven.Food stores will isotoperay people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners/insane asylum people to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell. Forgive me.
2020-10-06 3:19 pm
I don't know if it is dumb.  Just start being more slutty.  Learn about make up....  why be an insecure snob.

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