Which do you prefer Wendy’s or Dairy Queen ?

2020-10-02 8:32 am
Love them both they both role

回答 (6)

2020-10-02 8:43 am
I like both but DQ is better if the kids cooking aren't entirely stupid. Wendy's definitely has the better deals these days in my country however.
2020-10-02 8:33 am
wendys for lunch 
dairy queen for ice cream 
2020-10-04 8:10 am
I prefer Wendy's for food and Dairy Queen for ice cream.
2020-10-02 9:59 am
Both restaurants have good food hun.
2020-10-02 9:04 am
I like both, but Wendy's has a few more choices on sides. 
2020-10-02 8:34 am
Dairy Queens are dirty

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:11:48
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