
2020-10-01 3:40 pm

回答 (2)

2020-10-03 1:15 am
抽象名詞不是只有英語才有的.所有人類的語言都有抽象名詞的.抽象名詞是用來表示抽象的事,物,行為.像是"愛(love)","恨(hate)","電子流(electric current)","心靈(mind)","幫助(help)"等等這些看不見的(只有用心靈才感覺得到的)事物行為.

2020-10-01 7:44 pm
Abstract noun(grammar) is one that is the name of a quality or state, eg:-length---The students complained about the length of the Exam.Paper., eg:- goodness----For goodness' sake, stop making noise in the Exam.Room !,eg:- virtue---She became a British citizen by virtue of her marriage to an Englishman.----The abstract is regarded in an ideal or theoretical way. thought of as a quality rather than as an object or fact.
Abstraction is idea of a quality apart from its material accompaniment.eg:-Whiteness is Art is an abstraction. Don't lose yourself in abstraction by keeping a firm hold on the framworks on an white idea !!!eg:-A white flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract. Hence abstract art does not represent objects, scenes in an obvious way, but abstract and isolate features of reality ...Abstract art does not represent an object as seen by a camera( yet rather n-nos. of cameras)

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:15:48
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