Did anyone else think Joe Biden had a bad gameplan?

2020-09-30 2:09 pm
After watching the debate, Trump seemed much more coherent and composed than Biden did. Did you see how rattled he was when Trump mentioned his son receiving 3.5 million from a Russian billionaire? He looked so flustered and annoyed. He also tried to emulate Trump's alpha-male tactics by telling him to "shush", "shut up" and even called him a "clown". If Biden was smart, he should of took the moral high ground strategy, that way when push came to shove, he could say "Trump's just a bully". That approach would of worked much better for him, especially when debating against someone like Trump. Now he lost his best ace in the hole. Why try and outdo Trump with insults? He's literally the king of that style of debate. I mean, he didn't even hurl names like Biden did and still seemingly appeared more "alpha". Biden just doesn't have that "presence" that Trump naturally has. The debate really seemed like Trump just got under Biden's skin more while maintaining composure and not resorting to names.

When it all comes down to it, Biden tried to bully the aggressor, lost his cool, and got obliterated in my opinion. What do you guys think?

@KumQuatMay - Not at all. Style is simply just indicative of consistency in character. Biden knows Trump has an alpha dog personality, and thought it would be a smart game plan to outdo him with the "shut ups". It wasn't a smart strategy. Trump is just naturally an expert marksman with words, and knows how to go for the jugular. His content in my opinion was great, so I don't know what debate you were watching. Was it his plan to reduce the capital gains tax not content-worthy for you?


@Dan - I don't think Trump looking down on Biden is what triggered him. I think it's the mentioning of his son receiving free money that flustered him. And the fact he couldn't use the "law and order" tactic. Because he was responsible for the 1994 crime bill that lead to the mass incarceration of black folks.

回答 (8)

2020-09-30 2:10 pm
Trump looked like a complete jerk.
2020-09-30 2:12 pm
Not at all, Biden when he could talked to the American people, Trump on the other hand did not tell us plans, just went off as usual............give you a big hint......THE AMERICAN ELECTORATE OUTSIDE HIS BASE IS SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!
2020-09-30 2:11 pm
It seems you were watching the debate on the alternative universe channel.
Biden looked and acted Presidential.
Trump looked and acted like a desperate man who had nothing but insults and lies.
2020-09-30 2:11 pm
that's not how most people are calling it, and not how I saw it. you sound obsessed with style over content. trump had a big chance to convince the american people he was  serious presidential choice and instead spent 10 minutes making some discredited claim about Biden's son. Not Biden. His son. Biden talked about how he would help ordinary americans

2020-09-30 2:26 pm
What debate did you watch?
2020-09-30 2:17 pm
Trump made mincemeat out of Biden on the first debate. Round 2, next.
2020-09-30 2:35 pm
It's not about acting alpha, it's being alpha. Don't forget Trump IS the sitting president of the most powerful nation on earth. Biden was the challenger. At one point tonight he accused Trump of looking down on people. Trump probably doesn't think much of Biden. And that makes Biden angry. 

I think Biden has some insecurities because life has not been easy for him. Who these men are can already be seen in their 1973 photos. 

Trump was a privileged rich young man, full of himself, arrogant, fine clothes, expensive cars. Biden's family went through poverty, a father who lost his job. And Biden stuttered, had premature hair loss.  

Trump became a celebrity and a real estate mogul.  Biden did well becoming a senator but he lost his wife and then brain aneurisms required surgery. He has insecurities. I give him credit for fighting though, especially at his age. 
2020-09-30 2:10 pm
Nominating a confused old man, and hiding him in the basement was a pretty p*ss poor plan to begin with.

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