Why do religious people vote? I thought God was y’all leader. ?

2020-09-30 5:58 am

回答 (12)

2020-09-30 6:02 am
God is our father and Creator, but He/She is not an earthly political leader. We go to work, and many people have to please an employer or not eat!
2020-10-01 3:14 am
People know that God is not real. If he was real there would be no need to vote. You don’t need a president if there is a so called God. Why would god allow another human to dictate you?
2020-10-01 12:12 am
Voting in no way denies that God is sovereign.
2020-09-30 6:05 am
They vote so they can still freely practice their religion.
2020-09-30 6:03 am
What, you think Christians should surrender the control of the government to evil, worldly people???  That wouldn't be very responsible.

Edit:  Roberto is correct.  Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden by their religion from voting.  There may be a few individuals that defy the Watchtower Society, but they're subject to discipline if they get caught.  By their stance, they are effectively CONDONING every evil that politicians inflict on us, they have surrendered freedom of speech.  It's a non-sensical policy, in my opinion,  to surrender your freedoms and cause harm to the innocents.  Like how they claim abortion is evil, but they will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop it and save preborn babies.  WHY?
2020-09-30 6:00 am
To ensure the continuation of free will.
2020-09-30 6:39 pm
Jehovah's Witnesses don’t vote. Read here: https://www.jw.org/finder?wtlocale=E&docid=502014218&srcid=share
2020-09-30 10:32 pm
It's also ironic that they believe 'god' is the one who puts leaders in power - meaning we don't actually have 'free will' to vote for the leaders of our choice.

It also means that the leaders that they disagree with are also put in power by 'god' - oh wait, that's when 'gods will' has been subverted... as if that was even a thing.
2020-09-30 6:01 am
He is.

And Trump is our President.

Not hard to figure out.
2020-09-30 11:19 pm
Actually when you vote for a man or a woman, you are putting you trust in that man or woman.

When you vote for a person you become guilty of all the wrongs that person does.

Jehovah's Witnesses choose to put our trust in our King, Jesus Christ, and not in a human ruler.

Who really chooses the rulers of this world?

It is not the voters. For Satan gives the rulership to whom ever he wants, and not who you want.

(Luke 4:6) 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

The winner of every election on the planet is won by the one Satan wants to rule.

Christians are told to be separate and no part of this world.

This includes the politics of the world.

Satan uses politics to separate peoples.
Christ wants all people to be united.

(Psalm 146:3-5)  3 Do not put your trust in princes Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation.  4 His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; On that very day his thoughts perish.  5 Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob as his helper, Whose hope is in Jehovah his God,


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