Average temp?

2020-09-29 11:20 pm
ok so i have the initial temp and final temp of a solution and im asked to find the average temp how would i do this?

thank you for the help! i literally couldn't remember how to do this i was drawing blanks lol

回答 (2)

2020-09-29 11:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Average temperature = (Initial temperature + Final temperature) ÷ 2
2020-09-30 4:33 am
you cannot be serious.
.. (1) you're posting anonymously
.. (2) you're asking a stupid question
.. (3) YA has been under attack by a depraved troll since the lockdowns
.. . .. .began.  some pathetic kid getting his kicks posting nonsense here
.. . .. .and laughing when people waste their time answering his pathetic
.. . .. .questions.  

You have every sign of being that same degenerate troll.  

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 09:37:41
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