Why do democrats keep repeating The Big Lie, “Trump put kids in cages”, when everyone knows the pic of kids in cages was from OBAMA admin?

2020-09-27 12:33 pm
The pic of kids in cages was taken during Obama’s time in office. Obama had kids in cages, not Trump 

回答 (7)

2020-09-27 12:35 pm
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They believe if you repeat a lie enough people will start believing it. 
2020-09-27 12:40 pm
It's this thing called desperation, and this other thing called brainwashing.

I didn't see Bernie or AOC offering to take any of those kids in when their parents were arrested, did you?
2020-09-27 12:38 pm
Democrats have to lie.  It's not like they can run on their record of the last 4 years. 
2020-10-15 3:35 pm
Im the girl you called lazy and full of ****
Just to let you know I have had professionals say im not well enough to work, not some bitter woman on the internet with no life experience. Or you are just too dumb to realise that mental health problems exist and are unpredictable. What knowledge have you got to judge me? None by the sounds of it! You are either a cushioned ***** with no life experience or are just dumb. My moneys on just dumb!!! 
2020-09-27 1:11 pm
They both did, but Trump had a lot more
2020-09-27 12:37 pm
They BOTH put Kids in cages. Here's the big difference. Obama did it temporarily out of necessity. Trump's ICE has sometimes separated kids PERMANENTLY from their parents! 
2020-09-27 12:56 pm
Because it's not a lie.  Trump did put kids in cages. 

Now, there were some pictures which circulated at the time which were from the Obama administration.  But to compare the two things is really comparing apples and oranges. 

The Obama administration separated a very limited number of kids from their accompanying adult and it was always when they suspected that the child was in danger, such as that they were being trafficked.  And the kids were only kept in those cages, which were in forward operating locations, for a very limited period of time, generally a few hours, while real housing was arranged. 
What the Trump administration did was completely different  They began separating every single child from their accompanying adult, even when they had ironclad proof that the adult was their parent.  As then Attorney General Jeff Sessions explained, the goal was to make the policy as cruel as possible in order to dissuade people from coming to the US illegally.  Because of the immense amount of kids they were detaining, the children were often kept in cages for extended periods of days or even weeks.  And because these cages were located in front line border patrol facilities, they weren't meant to house people.  Kids often lacked access to basic amenities like showers or adequate access to toilets for the numbers held.  The border patrol guards, who are cops not caretakers, weren't equipped to deal with these kids or take care of them.  In some cases, older children were forced to look after younger ones.  The facilities lacked even basic supplies like diapers so that some young kids went for days in dirty diapers.  Perhaps even worse is that the Trump administration hadn't set up any way to really track who they were detaining and link them with adults.  Adults caught crossing the Mexican border can usually be deported very quickly.  But children have more stringent rules about deporting them.  So in quite a few cases, accompanying adults, including parents, were deported while their kids were still being held in the US.  The Trump administration admitted that in thousands of cases they had no way to link these detained children with their families.  It's possible that hundreds of kids were effectively "orphaned" by the Trump administration as we have no way to confirm their identity or reunite them with their parents. 

This was a truly horrific policy on the part of the Trump administration.  I understand that for many conservatives the urge to support your team overrides every other concern, including patriotism or even basic morality, but this is really something you should be offended and disgusted by, and if you've got even an ounce of humanity it should prompt you to vote against President Trump,

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:49
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