Will Hunter Bidens accepting hundreds of millions of Dollars from Russia, China and Ukraine make Joe susceptible to Extortion?

2020-09-25 2:00 am

回答 (5)

2020-09-25 2:02 am
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Hunter was just laundering that money for his Dad .
2020-09-25 2:07 am
Joe is a pro at extortion already, ex. Ukraine/Biden quid pro quo.
2020-09-25 2:04 am
I don't know; since you made that up, why don't you tell us?
2020-09-25 2:02 am
Why do Republicans only use made up sources?
2020-09-25 8:13 am
Why are Dems so uninformed about the investigation in to Hunter Biden? Willful ignorance? Plausible deniability? Either one I guess.
2020-09-25 2:05 am
Without evidence we could ask the same about Trump, the Trump children, and the Trump organization.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:00:58
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