A chemical reaction that is first order in X is observed to have a rate constant of 2.1 × 10 –2s –1. ?

2020-09-24 6:25 am
If the initial concentration of X is 1.0 M, what is the concentration of X after 195 s?
0.19 M
0.98 M
0.016 M
60 M
0.59 M

回答 (5)

2020-09-24 3:22 pm
Method 1:

The integrated rate law for first order reaction:
ln[X] = -kt + ln[X]ₒ
ln[X] = -(2.1 × 10⁻²) × 195 + ln(1.0)
ln[X] = -4.095
Concentration of X after 195 s, [X] = e⁻⁴·⁰⁹⁵ M = 0.017 M

The answer: c. 0.016 M (the closest answer)

Method 2:

Half-live, t½ = ln(2)/k = ln(2)/ (2.1 × 10⁻²) = 33 s
No. of half-lives = (195 s) / (33 s) = 5.91
Concentration of X after 195 s, [X] = (1.0 M) × (1/2)⁵·⁹¹ = 0.017 M

The answer: c. 0.016 M (the closest answer)
2020-09-24 12:18 pm
Use the integrated rate law for a first order reaction:

ln [X = -kt + ln [X]o
ln [X] = -2.1X10^-2 (195)s + ln 1.0
ln [X] = -4.095
[X] = 0.017 M
2020-09-24 6:32 am
rate constant of  2.1 × 10^(–2)/s
195 s (2.1 × 10^(–2)/s) = 4.095 conc change
Reaction rate is calculated using the formula rate = Δ[C]/Δt, where Δ[C] is the change in product concentration during time period Δt.
2020-09-24 6:38 am
"2.1 × 10 –2s –1" ?? what does this mean?
2020-09-24 6:26 am
The Virgin Mary is Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  She can help one with any dilemma in life.  It is good to honor her every day by reciting the rosary with care and sincerity.

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