How Jesus can be God if "God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name"(Phil. 2:9)?

2020-09-24 4:06 am
If Jesus were God, He would be at the highest WHO COULD GIVE HIM something higher? Or who can give God the name that is above others? His name is ALREADY ABOVE others...

回答 (14)

2020-09-24 4:08 am
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Some people believe that Jesus and God are the same person. But that’s not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says that Jesus was created, which means that Jesus had a beginning. But Jehovah, who created all things, had no beginning. (Psalm 90:2) As God’s Son, Jesus never thought of trying to be God. The Bible clearly teaches that the Father is greater than the Son. (Read John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 11:3.) Only Jehovah is “God Almighty.” (Genesis 17:1) He is the greatest and most powerful person in the universe.​
2020-09-24 4:09 am
2020-09-24 10:30 am
You've heard of context, right? Did you read what Paul just said?

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Phil 2-5-8

That is, the Word of God, the Son, the 2nd Person of the Holy Trinity, did not hold onto his equality with God the Father, but laid that aside, temporarily, to be born as a human, and followed the plan made before the foundation of the world (John 17:24, Ephesians.1:4, I Peter 1:20), to suffer and die as the holy lamb of God.

After these things, then, comes the verse you quote. The Word is restored to the glory he had with the Father before the foundation of the world (John 17:25).  Now, God does not share his glory with another (Isaiah 42:8; 48:11) --  but Jesus has that glory: Jesus is God in human flesh.

Forgive me.
2020-09-24 4:16 am
Try reading that verse in context.

 Philippians 2:5 

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus,  who, *****although He existed in the form of God*****, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped (claiming advantage) ,  but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.  Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.  For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name,  so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,  and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

It clearly points out that Jesus is of the divine nature, that he humbled himself and became a lowly human and suffered degradations and humiliations,  but even so -  His name is above all others, because all created things are subject to him. 
2020-09-24 6:27 pm
2020-09-24 5:28 am
This verse goes along with:

(Matthew 28:18) 18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. "

(John 5:19) 19 Therefore, in response Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative,. . .

(John 5:30) 30 I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.

(John 7:28, 29) . . .I have not come of my own initiative, but the One who sent me is real, and you do not know him. 29 I know him, because I am a representative from him, and that One sent me.”

(John 14:28) . . .‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I am.

(John 16:27, 28) . . .believed that I came as God’s representative. 28 I came as the Father’s representative and have come into the world. Now I am leaving the world and am going to the Father.” 

(John 17:3, 4) 3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. 4 I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do.

Some will argue:  "10 so that in the name of Jesus every knee should bend—of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground— " (Philippians 2:10)

And this is true, but notice the Glory of Jehovah's name:

(Psalm 8:1) 8 O Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is throughout the earth; You have set your splendor even higher than the heavens!

So Jesus' name may be higher than all other names in heaven, Jehovah's name is still higher, because God's personal name is above the heavens.

Power and authority is always given to a lesser one from a greater one.

Jesus is higher / greater than the angels, but Jesus is still not equal to his God and Father.

(Ephesians 1:3) 3 Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in union with Christ,
2020-09-24 4:40 am
Boy!  and you complain about Trinitarians changing Scripture!
2020-09-24 4:59 am
Here's how.

Your using what is called "The Impossible Argument" to counter the concept of the Trinity.  In most cases, showing how a concept is impossible is enough to prove the concept impossible--except when it comes to God.

Mt 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

You may not be aware that atheist use your same argument against the concept of Jesus.  For example, they will show how it is impossible to turn water into wine, and thus prove in their minds that Jesus never did such a thing, most likely because he never existed.

Do you believe Jonah lived in a big fish for three days?  If so, how do you choose which impossible things God can and cannot do?
2020-09-24 7:07 am
A person can better comprehend the Mystery of the Trinity by reciting daily and with care 7 Hail Marys, one each while meditating on each of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary.  Further information about this devotion is available online.
2020-09-24 7:54 am
1) How Jesus can be God if "God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name"(Phil. 2:9)?

He can be
if the nature of God is triune
(which, of course, it is).

2) If Jesus were God, He would be at the highest possition...

...unless Hebrews chapters 1 and 2 are true.
If the ARE true, then Jesus became less even than the angels ***for a limited time***.

3) so WHO COULD GIVE HIM something higher?

Only God.

4) Or who can give God the name that is above others?

Only God.

5) His name is ALREADY ABOVE others...

Directly contradicts what the Bible teaches.
2020-09-24 5:52 am
While both the Father and the Son are certainly God, since Jesus is eternally begotten OF the Father, the Father outranks Jesus in seniority.

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