
2020-09-23 5:04 pm

回答 (1)

2020-09-23 6:08 pm
2020-09-24 2:22 am
You raised several issues which are complicated in nature. I will try to explain more as follow:

1. Whether the management fee is reasonable depends on many factors. Based on the current situation, for a shared road between 2 estates, each side should be responsible proportionally.

Also because management fee is usually assessed based on the size, as well as its intended usage (for example, the management fee for the residential area is usually higher than parking area for square feet), so the fee should be also assessed based on that as well.

That's why it is impossible to tell $25,000/month is a reasonable amount. At the minimum, who has to pay $25,000? Each owner, or the entire estate as a whole? Also, how much another side is paying as well? And how many people end up sharing?

Note - for accounting purpose, the shared road should have its own account, it should not be mixed with the other estate's management account.

2. Whether the other side's Home Owners' Corporation (HOC) has a case against the owners of your side depends on whether your side has a HOC as well. In short - this kind of issue should be dealt by the management company and HOC. It should never be handled by individual owners.

The other side's HOC may lose this case on technicality (They should not sue individual owners). But it does not mean they are wrong.

3. The Government Lease is assumed legal. The developer may bear some responsibilities due to failure to notice. However, the situation you are facing is quite common - shared facilities.

In short - if your side of the Lease does mention this shared road, you will have to pay. The rest depends on the circumstance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:17:07
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