What is the proof that the graphite and diamond are different forms of element carbon?

2020-09-20 6:00 pm
Which statement shows that diamond and graphite are different forms of the element carbon?

a. Both have giant molecular structures.b. Complete combustion of equal masses of each produces equal masses of carbon dioxide as the only product. c. Graphite conducts electricity, whereas diamond does not.d. Under suitable conditions, graphite can be converted into diamond.

 My answer is d.  
 What is the correct answer?

回答 (1)

2020-09-20 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The answer: b. Complete combustion of equal masses of each produces equal masses of carbon dioxide as the only product.

a. false
Some other substances, like silicon, also have giant covalent structures.

b. true
Equal masses of two substances react with equal masses of oxygen to form equal masses of carbon dioxide as the only product. This can deduce that the two substances both are carbon. However, they are different substances. Hence, they are different forms of carbon.

c) false
Some other substances, like metals, can also conduct electricity.

d) false
The conversion from graphite into diamond only shows that they are the different forms of the same substance, but does not show that they are different forms of carbon.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:08
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