The relative atomic mass of neon is 20.18 It consists of three isotopes with the masses of 20,21and 22 It consists of 90.5% of NE20 find % ?

2020-09-19 9:23 pm
Of the other two isotopes ? 
how do I do this in steps ? 

回答 (1)

2020-09-19 9:36 pm
Let y% be the relative abundance of Ne-21.
Then, the relative abundance of Ne-22 = (100 - 90.5 - y)% = (9.5 - y)%

Relative atomic mass of Ne:
20 × 90.5% + 21 × y% + 22 × (9.5 - y)% = 20.18
1810 + 21y + 209 - 22y = 2018
y = 1

Relative abundance of Ne-21 = 1%
Relative abundance of Ne-22 = (9.5 - 1)% = 8.5%

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 09:38:37
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