Why do Christians think their opinions change scientific facts?

2020-09-19 3:38 am

Yeah i see no evidence that Christians think either. Just look at their answers here. Lol. 


If you think science was invented by God, anything you say is irrelevant. 85% of *real* scientists are atheists. Most Nobel prize winners are Jewish not Christian. Nice try. 

回答 (11)

2020-09-19 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Christians do not think. They recite the lies that have been jackhammered into their heads. 
2020-09-19 3:54 am
Why do atheist think that their opinions change truth?

Christians do not reject science.  In fact over 83% of the people who have won Nobel Prizes in the various fields of science have listed themselves in their biographies as Christians.

What we reject is the misuse of science to try to disprove things that are outside the realm of science.  Or the twisting of science to try to make it shows things it does not.

Science was invented by God. Every discovery we make just gives us more of the mid of God.  Why would Christians reject that?
2020-09-19 3:50 am
Who says your scientific opinions are science fact?
2020-09-19 3:39 am
"Why do Christians think..."
I've seen no evidence to indicate they think at all.
2020-09-19 6:11 pm
Because they have been indoctrinated by the extremist sects and cults to believe that God was not clever enough to use the big bang, evolution and science as his tools!
2020-09-19 7:22 am
Our opinions are as valid as your facts.
2020-09-19 5:00 am
Scientific “facts” and theories change every year.
2020-09-19 4:00 am
They don't , and neither does yours.
2020-09-19 3:55 am
I am a Christian and I don't believe any such thing. Why do you lie about what other people think?
2020-09-19 3:39 am
There are no scientific facts.  It's all fake.
2020-09-19 3:40 am
They think God is literally telling them that science is wrong.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:06:26
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