What does it mean when A girl Calls you gross ?

2020-09-19 2:36 am

回答 (7)

2020-09-19 2:57 am
Probably means ur some hairy ugly fella, maybe has a unibrow, maybe has blackheads on the nose he doesnt notice,hair sticking out of the nose and ears, most ugly fellas think girls dig them for their ugliness and they think theyre hot.
2020-09-19 2:42 am
It means you need to find another girl.
2020-09-19 2:39 am
it means you are repulsing, foul, nasty, and/or nauseating.
2020-09-19 4:53 am
Normally this means that she perceives you as fat, obese, large, portly, or otherwise less than desirable.
2020-09-19 3:00 am
you have BO, your breath stinks, you dress like the homeless, you have no money, no style and no chance.
2020-09-19 5:05 am
If a girl says this, that's most likely what she feels about herself. It's called projection. So Don't take it too personal. :) A woman....definitely wouldn't stoop this low to cause decline in someone elses self esteem cuz she's had years and years of working to build her own up after not meeting societies "beauty standards"   (unless you objectified/abused/triggered her in some way which then at that point, it may be warranted if you truly are  or are "being" gross) AND finally, if a '*****' said it....You should already know why. She is who she is and this also has nothing to do with you. 🙂✌️
2020-09-19 2:54 am
it means exactly that...............

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