What was the name that the Native Americans called America before it was called America?

2020-09-18 8:07 pm

回答 (31)

2020-09-18 11:59 pm
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There were Native Americans here for about 10,000 years before the Europeans took over and named it America.  Each tribe and each culture had their own name for the regions.  
2020-09-18 10:20 pm
They spoke dozens of different languages, so just as "Earth" is our planet's name in English, but different in every other language, so to was America a different name in Algonkwian from Iroquian from Navaho from Arapaho, etc.
2020-09-19 1:32 am
2020-09-18 8:21 pm
Native Americans believed the land belonged to everyone to live in harmony w/ nature. Chief Red Cloud of the Sioux tribe in the Dakotas called the area "center of everything that is".
2020-09-18 11:24 pm
First, please define 'America'. North, North and South, USA, etc?

It is said that America is named by Europeans after an Italian, Amerigo Vespucci. Some name a Welshman, called Amerik.

It is doubtful whether the native peoples had a name for the 'whole' land.
2020-09-18 9:03 pm
I suspect each Native group would have a name for their own lands and names for their neighbors' territories in their own language.  

We non Indigious grew up using the  names of counties, states/provinces, and nations that were named by long ago governors. Francophones in Canada name them in French. Anglophones in English. Spanish speakers in Spanish.

I don't know if the Haida and the Algonquin knew about each other or the vastness of the continent between them before the Europeans mapped it, and that each had a name for the whole huge area.  They named "our lands", "the land of 'those people'", "Niagara", "Toronto" and other names for other places they knew.
2020-09-18 10:26 pm
Many including my grandma called it " ours ".
2020-09-18 8:21 pm
I don't think they did. They saw themselves as stewards of the land or territories they and their ancestors occupied.
2020-09-20 8:43 am
The Great River Turtle.
2020-09-19 7:07 am
not sure what the name was but their concept of it from what I understand was that it was their "mother". Unlike us, they were wise enough to realize you don't destroy what gives you life.
2020-09-19 2:44 am
They probably called it Paradise!
2020-09-18 10:35 pm
The Algonquins, who live primarily in what's now Canada, called at least the part that's now most of N. America "Turtle Island."  There doesn't seem to have been a name for the whole continental mass before a map created in 1507 called it "America" from the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci.
2020-09-18 11:21 pm
Some native word for "Home" I suppose.
2020-09-20 6:39 pm
It was called home.
2020-09-20 9:47 am
Many Mexican citizens are named America. I wonder why?
2020-09-19 4:23 pm
Oh that  was  easy  it was  called  "Backyard"
2020-09-19 1:48 am
Nothing .They just make up whatever b.s names they want now and nobody can argue with them because they were too dumb to even have written word and have only 'oral' history that they can change any time.
Like as soon as they saw a new victimhood chance they suddenly had 'Two spirited' people.
2020-09-21 12:08 pm
They called it "Home".
2020-09-20 5:32 am
Great mother duh duh you racist 
2020-09-20 12:43 am
2020-09-19 9:26 pm
They didn't think of it as a continent
that was one of many continents
and so
they didn't name it as a continent.

It was the Europeans who devised the idea of continents.
2020-09-19 8:51 pm
Probably various names by various tribes, but it all basically boiled down to "the land" or "home."  Just like the often referred to their groups as "the people" or something like that.  They were simple and noble people.   
2020-09-19 8:21 pm
I doubt if there was one single name used by all Native Americans for the VAST area of land that we now call north America. Most of them probably had no idea of its size.
2020-09-19 3:11 pm
Most of the land names where given by outsiders, for exampe
The Indians gave the name China based on the dynasty that ruled China that time,
The Persians called the Indians as the people who lived beyond the river Sind(similar to ind)
Africa was named by the romans after the general who conquered the north of Africa
Asia is named as the land east of what is Asia Minor!
So Native Americans never had a word for Americas, each group had their own word and no general word, both the Inca and Aztecs where completely unaware of each other's existence!, thus the word America was again given by outsiders meaning the continent told by Amerigo Vespuci or Amerigo's continent
2020-09-19 8:40 am
There was no one unified Native American culture.  There were hundreds of different cultures in the Americas, if not thousands and lots of different languages.  But they also didn't really have a concept of continents or large geography like that.  Europeans learned this when they tried to study and exploit Native American geographical knowledge for their own purposes.  Native Americans just didn't understand that there were things called continents or have a good sense of the geography of the continents they lived on.  They would have had really good geographical knowledge of their local regions, but they didn't understand continents (as most Europeans probably didn't have good geographical knowledge of their continents). 
2020-09-19 7:15 am
Which tribe?   Most lived off the land, so "Mother Earth" has been tossed around. It is the one that feeds us and makes life livable.
2020-09-19 5:36 am
Not everybody has a compulsory obsession with naming everything. That being said; many native tribes believed that you do not own land. Rather controversial today since obviously that is the basis of argument with reservations and the idea of Europe stealing their land in the first place. But I don't think that was the premise of the idea. But there are many different tribes, therefore many different languages, names, ideas and cultures. So there is no one answer to anything unless your asking region and tribe specific questions. Like black rock hills tribes of Dakota.
2020-09-19 4:21 am
turtle island................
2020-09-19 4:15 am
They only knew the tribes in their regions. They were not aware of the totality of what we call America today so they had no name for even the 48 contiguous states before Alaska and Hawaii were added. And most of the tribes were moved around except for the Pueblos who built permanent residence. So they would not have a name for what we call America. 
2020-09-19 2:48 am
Home in what ever language they used.

And a John P. pointed out the Americas were huge and there were many different cultures and tribes.
2020-09-19 7:25 am
they called it there land , apache had a territory same as other tribes and recognised the bounderies , that way they werent at war with each other . see the savages had  rules then and lived by there rules . funny thing is why where they called savages for , 

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