Depression medication?

2020-09-17 2:50 am
I stopped taking depression meds on my own a couple of months ago.  I think I need them again.  I've been feeling really down and lethargic.  Don't want to go to work or do anything else.  I still have the meds and wonder if I should just start taking them?  Do you think I would feel better?

回答 (2)

2020-09-17 3:02 am
Congrats on posting your first story in 10 years.

I would schedule a follow-up visit to the mental health professional that diagnosed your depression and show them what you have written here when they ask what brings you in today.  They will evaluate your current mental state and work with you to create a new treatment plan that may or may not include the meds you have left over.
2020-09-17 3:02 am
Bob Marley - Don't worry be Happy - YouTube

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