Why Democrats can't be honest about climate change?

2020-09-15 5:41 am
After doing some research about the topic, I found that the reason why we see the rise of sea level it not do cause of humans, climate changing do to the earth is warming up temperatures had been rising since the 1939, and temperatures will continue to rise does not matter, how much regulation and laws had made as long temperature is warming up the earth atmosphere sea lives will continue to rise.

回答 (7)

2020-09-15 5:59 am
100% of Communists agree: climate change is great for the cause.
2020-09-15 5:47 am
You are clearly either a member of the Trump cult, or you have NO knowledge of Chemistry, Biology, or Physics.  There is a reason why 97% of professional and academic scientists believe that dependence on fossil fuels is doing irreversible harm to this planet.
2020-09-15 6:40 am
Richard is a liar, liar, liar, liar. 
He’s trying to hustle the old 97% lie. Why can’t he just be honest and say 75 out 77. He could be really honest and say 75 out of 11,000 but as that gives a 0.007% consensus that’s unlikely. The constant lying by warmers is so depressing.
2020-09-15 6:05 am
So, now you know more than Meteorologist who have studied the problem for years?
Admit it, you want to fly a 747 because you've played a game about planes.

Hey numbnuts.
My daughter DOES have a degree....and she knows more about weather than you ever will.
You members of the Great Uneducated may think five minutes of listening to trump makes you an expert, but all you actually get is pity
2020-09-16 12:02 am
You do know that the climate warming parallels the industrial revolution,right?
2020-09-15 1:53 pm
What do you know of honesty, you support a pathological liar.
2020-09-15 7:01 am
Grundoon (who answered this question) once said:

"I don't have a degree...but my daughter does." 

I am not kidding.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:20:15
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