Cities and rioting?

2020-09-14 7:59 am
Why is it that the cities that are on the news almost everyday with looting, rioting and confrontations with police are run by Democrat mayors?
 The states that these cities are in are run by democrat governors.
 These cities have police chiefs that are black or has been recently replaced with a black.
 Do the citizens of these cities enjoy all the mayhem, deaths and property lose?

回答 (7)

2020-09-14 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
The DNC and their globalist benefactors have directed the rioting and looting in these Blue states and Blue cities with the cooperation of those Blue governors and Blue mayors .
Common sense tells us that without top down direction and coordination , any PD or National Guard would have shut this destructive rioting down .
2020-09-14 8:01 am
Also, the states in which liberals are starting forest fires are also run by moronic democrats.
2020-09-14 8:41 am
This is completely unnaceptable. Its pretty clear that the Democrats have not condemned any of this.  They couldn have shut this down but they chose not too. I totally do no accept any of this. Shame on the Democrats.
2020-09-14 8:02 am
Democrats are racist, incompetent & corrupt.
2020-09-14 8:00 am
You snotty little bastard I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to you 
2020-09-14 8:01 am
2020-09-14 8:41 am
We're going to enjoy extracting donnie boy from the WH after we whip his azz at the polls and he tries barricading himself inside the WH. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:58:56
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