Should  criminal charges be brought against the Mueller team for wiping the phones before handing them to the DOJ?

2020-09-14 4:53 am

回答 (5)

2020-09-14 4:57 am
Yes. The deep state is protecting each other. Did the same thing when the FBI under Obama helped Hillary destroy evidence.
2020-09-14 4:55 am
" Anticipatory Obstruction " is a federal offense the FBI is well aware of .
2020-09-14 5:24 am

Equal justice under the law. 
2020-09-14 4:55 am
Only if criminal charges are brought against Barr for doctoring his report...  Amongst other CRIMINALITY......👁️

See how creatures are all appearing in this swamp created.....and we are stuck......

American eagles down.

This is not by chance..........👁️
2020-09-14 4:57 am
No. Trump has given investigators nothing and has corrupted the DOJ. Trump's corrupt DOJ is illegitimate and isn't owed a thing. Bill Barr is a criminal and belongs in jail. The Durham inquiry is also a politicized farce and Durham should also be in jail for conducting it.
The dishonest Republicans, are, as usual, trying to create a fake scandal to hide their own rampant and obvious criminality. Phones were reset and other such routine. Conservatives never find anything, but always cast a dishonest doubt with this sort of thing. It's Benghazi B.S. all over again.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:59:29
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