What is the atomic mass of silver?

2020-09-13 9:45 pm
Naturally occurring silver consists of two isotopes: ^107Ag (51.84%) with an isotopic mass of 106.9051 amu and ^109Ag (48.16%) with an isotopic mass of 108.9048 amu.

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2020-09-13 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Atomic mass of silver
= (106.9051 × 51.84% + 108.9048 × 48.16%) amu
= 107.8682 amu
2020-09-13 10:57 pm
0.5184x106.9051 + 0.4816x108.9048
55.4196 + 52.44855

published value is 107.8682

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