Has Pelosi made Hypocrisy acceptable? ?

2020-09-13 3:29 am

回答 (6)

2020-09-13 3:30 am
It always has been for Democrats.
2020-09-16 12:51 pm
I might add that Nasty flew from DC to SanFran for a Doo and then flew back to DC for a meeting,,, ON THE TAX PAYERS DIME.
2020-09-13 3:44 am
No.  She did everything right and so did the stylist.  The right-wing wacko salon owner was the problem.
2020-09-13 3:33 am
As in, "Don't vote by mail even though I have voted by mail?"

Pelosi shouldn't have visited that hair salon (though it now appears that she really was set up), but you can't call her a hypocrite without calling little Donnie one, too.
2020-09-13 3:33 am
No. Trump was the one that did that way before Pelosi got her hair done.
2020-09-13 3:31 am
No Trump did...............................

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