Pandemic benefits need help ?

2020-09-12 7:26 pm
Is there any Pandemic Benefits for  a puppy scam  with the victim  us or to cover the bank TD , we have been charged and lost $1,500 for  a create fee  and with  a police report the bank wont pay  out of courtesy, should the bank have insurance or maybe they are covered by Pandemic  laws  to pay people  that have been scammed through them.?

回答 (5)

2020-09-12 7:33 pm
No the banks should not pay you. You were the suker who fell for it not the banks.
2020-09-12 10:27 pm
YOU are responsible no one else, not the bank, not the tax payer, YOU........ so if YOU fell for a scam, you have to pay
2020-09-12 8:10 pm
The bank is not responsible for you falling for a scam. Neither is the government. Sometimes you have to learn lessons the hard way.
2020-09-12 10:54 pm
I fail to see the correlation between "pandemic benefit" and puppy scam.
2020-09-12 8:02 pm
If you give a crook a cheque, in return for his services or goods -- which he does not supply -- why should the bank pay ?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:00:10
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