Who shoulda I vote for in this emection.?
I have a vote or something. Which means I decides who is presimwnt or something. There is some guy called tump who is the current king or whatever. He is a nazi who is going to blow up a volcanoe with an a bomb. I’ll put him on the maybe list. Another guy going for it is a dead guy. Or not dead, but like nearly which means the next in line is a black chick. She has a laugh like a hyena.. like seriously. I think I’ll vote for her. Who will you vote for?
回答 (4)
well, I see it like this.............
I see all the people supporting the Nazi guy.......with their Nazi flags and Racist confederate flags.........and I says to myself, I says.........
"Uhm.........didn't we fight two WARS against both them thar things? "
and didn't we WIN them wars?
so why are we letting the Nazi's and racists take over NOW?
Dagnabbit.........I'm AGIN It !!!!!!!!!
We need to step up and beat them dang Nazi's and racists AGAIN!
How the heck can any AMERICAN show up with a dang NAZI flag, and claim to be AMERICAN- ? What kind of IDGITS are they?
Hell, you don't gotta be no rocket scientist, to know that's just plum wrong!
I will be voting for Biden.
What county you from?whats a emection?Now you do know you have to live in the US to vote in US elections right?
收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:00:44
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