Why should I vote for Biden?

2020-09-11 11:35 pm
What are good reasons for me to be convinced to vote him.

回答 (125)

2020-09-12 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Without a question YES! He is honest, trusts experts, wants to get back some of the revenue that republicans stole from America. Stole? Well Reagan killed unions, Bush cut capital gains tax in half and Trump gave corporations a 40% tax break. In all three presidencies the average worker lost out to the wealthy. Biden plans to tax those making over $400,000 and corporations that pay next to nothing. He is not for defunding and wants to talk to all parties to come up with a solution for racial discrimination in our society while supporting police to stop the incidences of abuse. His is not for taking away people’s insurance plans, but has pledged to make the ACA  and Medicare work for all American who need it. He helped Obama get us our of the 2008-2009 recession and he will be able to restore our economy as soon as possible. That’s why Biden deserves my vote.
2020-09-12 10:46 am
Biden is a good person, and good politican
2020-09-12 10:11 pm
A vote for Trump and any Republican, is a vote to bury the United States under their political disruption .
2020-09-12 8:53 pm
If Trump is not a good enough reason? Is it? You tell me.You have lived through the last 4 years just as I have.. do you want Donald Trump to be the president for another 4 years? What do you think the President of the United States of America is supposed to be like? Like a clown, like a stooge?
Once upon a time, the President of the USA was an extremely serious role that had a profound influence on the direction of humanity, and that role was given to people who had proven their capoacity for wisdom and leadership.
I understand your trepidation about Biden... but at least he has a brain between his ears.
Undoubtedly the biggest problem with the US political system is that people do not have to vote. They can be lazy, and pass on it and forget about participating in the direction of their future.
2020-09-12 8:40 pm
both trump and biden are bad people but biden is kinda less bad than trump so vote him
2020-09-12 10:21 am
He wears his own suits . . . and they fit properly. 
2020-09-13 7:01 am
If you're on the fence, then vote for Trump. If you can't see what kind of an evil person he is, then that means you haven't taken enough of his recommended Clorox injections.
2020-09-13 4:31 pm
Because when it's a choice between a bad choice ,and a worse choice --one chooses the bad choice .
2020-09-13 5:40 am
Trump did everything for Americans. He is so bothered about his country people. Biden is more worried about the world - so support him.
2020-09-15 5:29 am
1. Not orange
2. Not a racist
3. Doesn't cause divisiveness
2020-09-14 10:54 pm
You should not vote for him.  Democrats are communists in disguise.  

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