Yahoo has temporally suspended the comment section to provide a SAFE and ENGAGING experience! Really? ?

2020-09-08 12:51 am
Safe and engaging for Yahoo to print misleading and outright lies without any feedback from its readers. Seems they don’t have any confidence their readers are buying their bullpuckey!

回答 (9)

2020-09-08 3:02 am
They suspended it because most of the comments called them out for misrepresenting the News just like all the other Liberal outlets do.
2020-09-08 1:14 am
I don't like it either.  They don't care.
2020-09-08 12:56 am
I worked with corporate legal in my career, and find eliminating the comments a brilliant way to comply with dippy Trump's executive order. Trump wants lies unmonitored. Much less to monitor for abuse without a bunch of comments. They  will probably return in January if Biden is elected in November and he writes enough Executive Orders to wipe out Trump's. Trump set that as a standard already, to erase a predecessor.
2020-10-20 7:46 pm
im sure there is worser things in the world right know
2020-09-29 3:49 am
I think the comment section is gone until after election day, if its not back one month after election, then I'll chalk it up to censorship because ppl literally told the truth on the comments.
2020-10-17 4:38 pm
fluff from biden central at yahoo bureau of deception fraud and untruth,they want to supress bidens history crookedness and extortion so his kid can harvest corrupt money from crooked ukies,wherever you see Ds spouting  tolerance diversity inclusion,safe environment horsepiles, they cover for Dcrats by quashing dissent
and concealing information damaging to themselves and the party,answers is where the Ds try to continues with the water pail
2020-10-02 7:05 pm
Safe from stalkers. It is not meant to be a chat site for loners.
2020-09-08 1:59 pm
I also find their statement ridiculous !!  A flat out logic fail, especially the part about "community input" (whatever). But extending that policy to the real sections on here (math, science, DIY, business) means one cannot add to or correct someone's math or line of thinking (even by (example) refering to to clarify/update/fix/add on information.  Some answerers' make math mistakes (or just typos) that need to be addressed and fixed.
2020-09-08 8:35 am
I think they meant safe from spam, rape threats, and other abuse that didn't belong in the comments section.

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