Do you believe Satan was created by God?

2020-09-07 10:20 pm
The Only true God of the Bible says angels were created by Him with power but some of them turned against God.  One of them is Satan

回答 (45)

2020-09-07 10:58 pm
The one who later chose to turn himself into God's adversary was, indeed, created by God. That is why God knew even before He started a physical, material creation (this universe) that this rebel would try to cream off the worship of humanity to himself. But God went ahead with His material creation because He already had the plan of restoration sorted and ready to roll, the minute Adam sinned. That's why God came out with the first prophecy about that in Gen. 3:15.

The rest of the Bible shows how that plan took shape. Jesus is the foretold one who crushes Satan in the head after Satan has bruised Him in the heel. So, when the disciples saw demons obeying commands in Jesus' name and told Him, Jesus rejoiced saying, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Luke 10:18. Satan is a dead demon walking, and he knows it.
2020-09-09 12:09 am
2020-09-08 11:13 pm
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2020-09-09 1:54 pm
Names are VERY imp to God.
God created an angel called .. lucifer.
Lucifer later turned out to be an usurper. 
God then call him .. satan.
So did God create satan ? no
Eve produced cain .. who later murdered brother abel.
Did eve produce a murderer ? no
Cain chose to murder.
Was he BORN a murderer ? NO
2020-09-08 11:19 pm
God created perfect angels and he gave them free will. The angel who made himself Satan the Devil was an angel of high ranking, "an anointed covering cherub." Ezekiel 28:12b-14. 

This angel used his free will to allow a destructive inclination to grow in himself. He became jealous/covetous of and desirous of the worship that belonged only to God. His unrighteousnes (Ezekiel 28:15)  led him to become the Deceiver. He also became the one who is the Resister, the one in opposition to God. 

How is this possible.

Free will is a gift from God to all intelligent creatures. Angels are intelligent creatures as are humans. For example: No one can make a thief a thief except the person who has the idea/desire to become a thief. This is what happened to the angel who became Satan the Devil. His desire turned into his reality. James 1:14,15  "But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death."

It is a powerful study to learn more about this one who was a "covering angel" and why he was present in the garden of Eden. (Ezekiel chapter 28) 

Visit and enter "covering angel" in the search box and look for the article Watchtower 1954 titled WHY GOD PERMITS EVIL. You will probably want to read the entire article but pay special attention to the information under the subheading "Man's creation and deflection."

Hope this helps.
2020-09-08 4:03 pm
Lucifer was

Ezekiel 28:13 KJV — Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Then pride and vanity set in, and Lucifer was renamed Satan meaning adversary of God, and God ejected him from heaven whereupon he fell to earth.

Luke 10:18 KJV — And Jesus said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
2020-09-08 10:46 pm
What Satan is and who is a mystery and as definable as God. 
Only one thing you are going to clearly understand and that is Satan is not Lucifer. 
2020-09-08 1:21 am
Angels were created by God, including the angel Lucifer (which means "bearer of light"). Lucifer led a rebellion of angels in Heaven, resulting in those angels being cast out of Heaven, becoming demons, with their leader, Lucifer, becoming Satan.
2020-09-09 8:10 pm
God knows Lucifer betrayed him. So God ground him. This made Lucifer twisted causing him to continue to twist God's plan into unrighteousness. Lucifer wanted to be God's equal that is why he came to be Satan. .
Like when man creates A.I. andone day it too will want what man has. It will try to achieve it, it will be unsuccessful. For A.I. Will never be man. As Satan will never be God.
2020-09-07 10:28 pm
Yet in Judaism, none of that is true.  In Judaism they believe that there is only one God who created everything both good and bad.  There were no fallen angels.  Lucifer is just a judge not some evil entity.  As can be seen by the OT books, the God of Abraham was not a kind deity, but one who destroyed that which he was not happy with, even though it was his creation.  He asked awful things of his followers, such as sacrificing a son, or put Lot thought a living hell.  There was no need for a devil in the OT because just as in Judaism, the God of Abraham was the creator of all, both good and bad, and he acted both good and bad.

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