What are your thoughts about THAT scene from the t.v. show "The Newsroom"?

2020-09-07 2:10 am
When Jeff Daniels character  ( Will McCoy ) said that "America Is Not The Greatest Country In The World" and then he gives out the reasons to back up his statement .  Do you agree or disagree with him when he says " America Is Not The Greatest Country In The World Anymore"?  Why or why not?

回答 (3)

2020-09-07 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think that is the painful reality that you will never hear from anyone running for or in political office. The truth does not win elections, “pandering” to the ideals of the voter does..
2020-09-07 3:25 am
Yraitos betray, it is what they do.
2020-09-07 2:13 am
I disagree. We are always on the verge of losing our freedom, but we haven't yet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:01:18
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