Any Trump supporting veterans out there? What do you think about Trump saying our soldiers who gave their lives 4 USA are just dumb suckers?

2020-09-05 1:47 am
“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” On the same trip, the article said, he referred to American Marines slain in combat at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed. We all know Trump's aversion to John McCain, saying he is not a hero because he got caught. McCain spent 5 years as a pow in Vietnam, because he wouldn't cooperate and sell out his country. That is a hero in my eyes. How about yours? So it is not a far stretch to see this is exactly the kind of man Trump is. He got out of serving in Vietnam because of "bone spurs", yet he had no problems playing sports. He even threatened to disown his own son if he were to join the military. I mean, why would a Veteran support a man who thinks all of our service personnel are just suckers?

回答 (24)

2020-09-05 2:57 am
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UPDATE: Check this tweet out, two former DHS agents have added their voices, saying that many people in the white house knew about this. Too bad they didn't say anything at the time!! :
I have very little doubt that Trump the demagogue did indeed say that, and any veteran that approves of those remarks must be an idiot or some kind of masochist, or a total  brainwashed cult worshiper of tin god Trump, or have such a massive inferiority complex that they think they deserve this kind of foul treatment.

Why do I think he said that? Well, you mention mcCain and Bone spurs, and I agree.
Another reason is that why would anyone make up lies like this? Sure, many of us want to see the demagogue gone, and with excellent reason, but obviously these people who witnessed Trump saying this worked for him. Why would they jeopardize their jobs? Why have so many white house insiders blown the whistle on demagogue Trump? It is surely because of their patriotism. Why did his own niece? His own sister? Stop being a dupe of tin god demagogue Trump, and PLEASE use the brains God gave you, Trump supporters! And read this link:
2020-09-05 1:51 am
Trump is the product of an emotionally abusive upbringing. He's scared to death of being a "loser." He's also so spoiled that he can't understand why anyone would do anything selfless, for the country or anyone else.
2020-09-05 7:42 am
Don't forget, Trump said it didn't happen, so that makes it the truth. So if you vote for Trump consider yourself an idiot or very rich.
2020-09-05 1:58 am
I don't believe it at all. Another liberal publication making things up who taking the word of Deep Staters. They haven't been able to take him down and Biden is losing ground. They needed to try something else. He has been the biggest supporter of the military in years. Obama took money away from them; Trump has increased it.

As for McCain, he showed his true colors in his last years. He was a mean-spirited, jerk who went after anyone who dared challenge his hero status. He didn't follow orders when he was in Vietnam and that's what got him captured. He survived and helped others survive. What else should he have done? He reveled in being a hero and went after anyone who disagreed--and wasn't even truthful about it much like Hillary. I voted for him because he was the Republican. He was a better candidate than Obama, but not by much.
2020-09-05 1:56 am
He never said that, it's fake news 
2020-09-05 10:30 am
Dump is a disgrace on every level
2020-09-05 1:54 am
3 anonymous sources, confirmed by 2 different anonymous sources. People have to realize that just because someone prefers to remain anonymous doesn't mean that they are lying. That only happens with conservative conspiracy theories. Also, I have personally heard Trump make disparaging comments about the military on three occasions.
2020-09-05 1:52 am
I read the answers and I guess that the so called USMC combat veteran agrees that people who were caught and placed in POW camps are not heroes nor do they deserve the respect of their Commander in Chief.  He also supports an individual who lied to troops on active duty.  None of these are "fake stories" as Trump repeated the statements multiple times during a variety of interviews and speeches.
2020-09-05 11:13 am
How  can ANYONE  thats been in the Service,...Or  Lost a friend or  loved one in the Service ever Support such A person for  our PRESIDENT  ??  DJT  is a  Idiot
2020-09-05 7:42 am
Could be true.  Remember his distaste for McCain a Navy pilot, General Kelly his Chief of Staff, the Admiral who was Secretary of the Navy....another military guy who was Secretary of Defense.  General Flynn, amd many more.
2020-09-05 5:09 am
Trumpards don't believe the things Trump says out loud every day.
2020-09-05 10:18 am
To be humiliated by your enemies is a common affair in warfare, you win some battles and lose some battles. But to be humiliated by your own leader, you have already lost the war. 

No enemies of US, not Russia, not Iran, not ISIS, has ever delivered a more devastating defeat to the US military in recent time then what Trump did. 

Yet Trump wants to send the US military, not against the enemies, but against the American people, and the military obeyed.

In this respect, the veterans, and the whole of the US military, are really “losers and suckers”.
2020-09-05 3:09 pm
That article from the Atlantic is suspect. The sources are all hidden. Anyway, more than 8 people from the military have stepped up immediately after publication to dispute the claims in the article. This was clearly a hit job from the media.
2020-09-05 2:04 am
Gone from a one off anonymous source, to multiple times in speeches and multiple anonymous sources. The timing of the story, right when Joe is losing traditional law and order unions. Is aweful convenient. McCain and Trump were going at it and we all know that when pushed, Trump will say anything. It is not relevant, neither is his lack of service. Didn't play after, only before that diagnoses so his sports history, also isn't relevant. That is, to anyone who knows about bone spurs anyways.  As a Vet, i believe he did not say it and that this is just another hit job.
2020-09-05 11:49 pm
Fox News National Correspondent Jennifer Griffin says she has confirmed with two sources the gist of the Atlantic magazine story about Donald Trump’s disdain of the military and John McCain.

For Fox News to go with this, Griffin– through her superiors — has the implicit approval of Rupert Murdoch to take Trump down. Trump will be livid that Fox News has confirmed Jeffrey Goldberg’s excellent reporting.

Griffin: “Two former sr Trump admin officials confirm .@JeffreyGoldberg
reporting that President Trump disparaged veterans and did not want to drive to honor American war dead at Aisne-Marne Cemetery outside Paris. Plus Griffin has more of the story on twitter. The article is NOT suspect, and has been confirmed, by no less than, Fox news. Don't you know by now what a liar Trump is or are you just "starry eyed", gullible?
2020-09-06 1:20 am
If you believe this utter bullshit I'm sorry for you. The media lies again and again to slander Trump's image and now a story from an "anonymous" source. Sad how easy it is for you people to believe the media. They had a Trump critic on the news yesterday who was with him on the day this supposably occured and he denied anyone every hearing it. 
2020-09-05 5:01 pm
I cannot Find any Proof of the Lies

Trump supports our Military
2020-09-05 10:27 am
#1. The story has been proven to be a lie and Trump's denial has been backed up by several people who were there. There is one instance of a President disparaging troops that is true but we didn't hear anything from the liberal press or Hiden Biden about it. Obama said the people in the military were volunteers and knew what they were signing up for and should pay their own way, he was talking about military benefits. Biden was Vice President and never said a word then, why is he so "mad" now over a phony story. Course, if liberals could not lie they would have nothing to say.
2020-09-05 2:14 am
2020-09-05 9:14 am
gotta love morons who believe every article that attacks trump without an ounce of proof or willingness to come forward with their rhetoric in person. instead preferring to hide and cower with their desperate lies.
2020-09-05 2:00 am
Trump may have made a questionable reference, but that wasn't it.  Do your homework before you post phony assertions.
2020-09-05 5:35 am
one thing we americans are taught is how to write.

I think most people on these lists, depending on their age naturally, could probably put in a claim for disability due to retardation if american?

and not just retardation but delusion of their own self importance.

just read the question comrades, not a shred of evidence, we should simply take it on its word and'belive' hooleheartedly!



2020-09-06 7:58 am
I don't know what trump said. I do know this many politicians disparage troops one Dem called them uneducated because they had no choice but to sign up. Trump is not the first to say something bad about McCain military career. I believe he was criticized for being reckless and that was why he was captured. CNN is pumped in all military TV bases by contract.
2020-09-05 9:00 am
Give me some crumbs you fukcing fat ****... Jumps on him.. Maybe imagine it.. 

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