Is abortion Moral?

2020-09-04 1:33 pm
I don't think abortion is Moral because you just didn't protect yourself or practice self discipline or you just don't care and don't want the baby is wrong. If rape happens which is not the case all the time in abortions that may be a reason but I don't think rape happens all the time with abortion.

回答 (20)

2020-09-04 1:46 pm
Artificially terminating human life at any stage or age, like abortion and murder, never is moral conduct. 

God promises to avenge his each and every little one with the death and destruction of their heartless murderers. Abortion doctors are hired killers - cold blooded and pre-meditated murderers. 

86% of abortions are elected by unmarried mothers (CDC). And a developing child in her mothers womb should never have to pay for the sins of her mother with her innocent life.

Proverbs 31:8-9 — Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves;
ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
2020-09-05 3:52 am
Moral?? How could the brutal slaughter of innocent children be moral?? Rape is involved is less then 4% of abortions, but even then a child should not be executed because of the way he/she was conceived.
2020-09-04 6:42 pm
Abortion is murder, so, no, Abortion is immoral.  There is never a justification for it.  Never.  Even rape is not a justification for murdering the child in the womb.  You don't murder the child for the crime of the father.
2020-09-04 4:35 pm
What does the Bible say about abortion? Read this article:
2020-09-04 1:43 pm
Go get get spayed or neutered.   I don't think you should be able to procreate based on your obvious lack of intelligence.   Mouth-breathers don't deserve to have children. 

It isn't up to others to determine what they do with their body.   You would think that freedom-minded individuals would understand that. 

Maybe you're not. 
2020-09-04 1:34 pm
Abortion Is Moral , .... The Quran Approves , .... 
2020-09-06 2:02 am
I think it's important to let people have control over their lives and their bodies. It's frankly cruel to force someone to drastically change their lives to care for a child they didn't plan for and don't want. Mistakes happen; that's what makes us human. Not to mention, it's cruel to the child to force them to grow up with a parent who isn't in a position to take care of them properly.
2020-09-04 11:30 pm
"I don't think rape happens all the time with abortion."  Of course not.  Abortions performed due to a pregnancy caused by rape account for less than 2% of abortions.  And rape pregnancies need not lead to abortion.  Many women every year decide that the life of the child is a comfort to the horrors of the rape.
2020-09-04 9:08 pm
I would hope that no woman would  ever choose to have an abortion - but at the  same time I will defend women's right to choose.

Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

'Im Brian Williams' idiotic rant about pro-choice people being offended by being called 'pro-abortion' is just that.  Idiotic.
2020-09-05 11:02 pm
If abortion is immoral, why does it all of a sudden become moral in cases of rape or incest? Abortion is still abortion.

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