Could anyone identify Mary, Mother of Jesus from this group of Mary's?

2020-09-04 12:29 am
Mary Magdalene, Mary Salome, the Other Mary, Mary of Heli, Mary of Cleopas, Mary mother of Mark, Mary of James, Mary of Alpious...

edit: Mary of Alpheus

回答 (8)

2020-09-04 1:04 am
In the Holy Bible there are so many names of Mary, to identify Mary, Our Lady, it is enough to see that she was the mother of Jesus, had for the Spirit of God.
2020-09-04 5:42 am
Mary the Mother of Jesus was none of those.  Heli is referred to as the father of Joseph, so that would make her Heli's daughter in law.
2020-09-04 12:50 am
There are 6 Marys mentioned by name in the Bible. . 1) Mary the mother of Jesus. She was the daughter of Heli , 
2) Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus (whom Jesus resurrected),.
3) Mary Magdalene who became a follower of Jesus(.luke 8 :1-3   )
4) “The other Mary.” She was the wife of Clopas (Alphaeus)  and the mother of James the Less and Joses. (Mt 27:56, 61; Joh 19:25)
5) Mary the mother of John Mark. She was also the aunt of Barnabas.
6) Mary of Rome. She was sent greetings by Paul in his letter to the Romans (romans 16:6)
there is no mary salome - salome is an individual person, she was possibly the sister of mary mother of Jesus.
IN Answer to Davids post above regarding heli, : According to Mt 1:16, “JACOB BECAME  FATHER TO JOSEPH, the husband of Mary.” In Luke’s account, Joseph is called the “son of Heli,” evidently meaning that he is Heli’s son-in-law. (For a similar case, see the study note on Lu 3:27.) When tracing the bloodline from a grandfather to a grandson through a daughter, it was customary for the Jews to focus on the men in the genealogies, which may be why Luke omits the daughter’s name and lists her husband as a son. Luke evidently traces Jesus’ descent through Mary, so IT WOULD SEEM that Heli was Mary’s father and the maternal grandfather of Jesus.​—See study notes on Mt 1:1, 16; Lu 3:27. interestingly the long list of Jesus genealogy at luke 23 does appear to be all men.
A similar case is seen in verse 27 of the same list at luke 3 .Shealtiel, son of Neri: According to 1Ch 3:17 and Mt 1:12, Shealtiel was the son of Jeconiah, not Neri. Perhaps Shealtiel married Neri’s daughter, thus becoming his son-in-law, and could therefore be called the “son of Neri.
It is interesting to note that in giving us the history of Jesus lineage
 Matthew traces the line through David’s son Solomon. By contrast, Luke traces the line through David’s son Nathan. (Mt 1:6, 7; Lu 3:31) Matthew traces Jesus’ legal right to the throne of David from Solomon through Joseph, who was legally Jesus’ father. Luke evidently follows the ancestry of Mary, tracing Jesus’ natural descent from David.
2020-09-04 12:30 am
2020-09-04 2:16 am
Mary was the daughter of Saints Joachim and Anna.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2020-09-04 12:49 am
I know her voice she talks to me, she has a monutone voice, she sounds like she is a singer that kind of a voice. 
2020-09-04 12:33 am
Mary of Heli (or "Eli")
but note that the epithet is based on an unsupportable interpretation of Luke chapter 3.
2020-09-04 1:29 am
Mary never existed.

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