英文句子可以沒動詞嗎? Just like celebrities at an award ceremony.只由介繫詞組成?

2020-09-03 10:40 pm

回答 (5)

2020-09-06 9:51 pm
Q: Who killed Mr. Shah?
A: Lisa (did)!

A: Let's have pizzas!
B: Never!

獵人1:your two o'clock (妳的兩點鐘方向)

2020-09-03 11:36 pm
The 77th Venice International Film Festival------------s
is featuring-------v

film featured features-----特色,號召====an adj phrase ; feature, featured, featuring, 

just like celebrities at an award ceremony---------predicate--predicate is the part of a sentence which makes a statement about the subject (s)--------o---->just like what=just=>an adv, not preposition.-----just like what celebrities do at an award ceremony.(as requested by your posting).
2020-09-09 1:43 pm
依照我看一下 感覺 like就是動詞 像的意思 "只是"像"xxxxxxx"
2020-09-04 8:14 am
當然可以,例如:you are awful 然後........然後........
2020-09-05 10:49 pm
但是"Just like celebrities at an award ceremony"有動詞呀..."like"不就是嗎?

通常來說沒有be動詞就有動詞,一個最常見的例外就是簡答:"No." 之類的

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