Why Jesus chose 12 diverse apostles to spread the gospel?? ?

2020-09-03 5:48 pm

回答 (7)

2020-09-03 6:00 pm
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Why did Christ choose Peter, an uncultured man prone to failure, who would often put his foot in his mouth, as a foundation on which to build his church? Jesus’s naming of Peter almost contradicts human reason.  

As Martin Luther King Jr. once said:“n the final analysis, God does not judge us by the separate incidents or the separate mistakes that we make, but by the total bent of our lives. In the final analysis, God knows that his children are weak and they are frail. In the final analysis, what God requires is that your heart is right”—MLK Jr.

Despite his mistakes, “the total bent” of Peter’s life aimed toward Christ. Peter’s story does not excuse our shortcomings or sins. On the contrary, it challenges each of us to turn again and again to Jesus, who can use anyone for his purpose.
2020-09-03 6:00 pm
The story is total hokum!  Ask how illiterate fishermen recorded Jesus Word-for-Word???  
Then over  300 years later  it appears in  third person writing as political fact!     Silly eh?
Please explain that, or I'm going to be an atheist.Fair warning!  
2020-09-03 6:01 pm
Because that was the number the writers of the STORY chose for him.
2020-09-03 6:26 pm
Twelve Jewish guys = "Diverse?" Really?
2020-09-03 7:34 pm
You might find that the twelve were first sent to "drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness, and to proclaim 'The kingdom of heaven is near'. They called people to repent - Mat. 10:1-10. That was when Jesus heard that John the Baptist had been put in prison, and John had preached the same message. By the time Jesus sent His followers out to spread the good news of the Kingdom, there were 72 others, sent out in twos, it seems as if John had been beheaded.

When the 72 returned to Jesus, they rejoiced that "even the demons submit to us in your name". Jesus responded, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" and He told them to rejoice that their names were written in Heaven - Luke 10:1-20. 'Why', you ask?

Because the whole world had to hear the good news but it first had to be proclaimed to the house of Israel. This was training and commissioning from Jesus Himself before His resurrection commission would embrace the whole world, starting at Jerusalem and Samaria. Yes, all those 84 disciples were 'diverse' because God is no respecter of persons. Jesus judges our hearts and chooses who is to do what.

Isn't it wonderful, and reassuring, that all Christians who heed His commission in Matthew 28:19 have the same Holy Spirit enabling to achieve the goal? I sometimes think that if fools rush in where angels fear to tread, that might be why He entrusted the gospel message to us! I gladly am a fool for Christ, and I use every means possible to share the good news about Christ to whoever I can.
2020-09-03 7:33 pm
12 is example group size used by the Lords down through the ages:  EL, whom Abraham called God, had 12 sons, including Michael and Gabriel; 12 tribes of Israel; 12 tribes of Esau;  12 Gates to Jerusalem; etc...

12 is more equally divided into subgroups than other numbers. 1,2,3,4, and 6.

Jesus and his Apostles were among the wisest and wealthiest men in the world: They were descendants of the wisest Jewish scholars; who were exiled in Babylon, then resettled in Galilee. All the Apostles were independently wealthy and retired; under age 35. Simon Peter, who was independently wealthy, owned a fishing craft, equipped with sleeping quarters, that could accommodate a crew of over a dozen. He owned much of the east coast of the Sea of Galilee, which is actually a lake. The Zebedee's were ship manufacturers. Matthew retired just over 30 years old and followed Jesus. The Romans rewrote scripture, belittling the Apostles and women, and supporting Theophilus, Luke, and paul.
2020-09-03 7:49 pm
Spreading the gospel was not the original 
intention of the disciples, or Jesus' plans. 

Jesus Christ put a group of loyal followers together,
called them his "disciples" ... and planned on having
each of the 12 of them rule each of the 12 tribes of Israel
under his command when he did away with Roman laws and
became king of the Jews, and moreover, it would seem,
the eventual king of Israel. He was executed because, 
with the potential of gaining a huge public following, 
he would be a very serious threat to the throne. 

Jesus may have been an idiot, 
but he was an idiot with high hopes.

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