Are Democrats cowards for allowing ANTIFA AND THEIR COHORTS BLM to physically assault, loot, burn and level businesses to the ground? ?

2020-09-03 11:13 am
The top ten cities in the Nation are run and have been run by Democrats ( AKA MARXIST SOCIALIST ) for decades! If you want the rest of the nation to follow then by all means vote Democrat ( AKA MARXIST SOCIALIST ) ! 

回答 (10)

2020-09-03 11:17 am
They're both incompetent and stupid as well as cowards. They appear to all be suffering from Stockholm syndrome or something. Thinking if they just appease the violent mob, that they might give them some gristle and not hurt them, but they keep just getting slapped around anyways... it's kind of pathetic and sad to watch. Mayor of Portland got chased out of his own home by the very mob he tries acting like he is on the side of... it's like, looks like your governing methods aren't working out too well for you.
2020-09-03 11:18 am
Much of the violence, looting and burning has been tied to white nationalist and amateur "militia" groups.

The vast majority of the BLM are simply protesting which is protected under the constitution.

As for ANTIFA it simply means they are anti fascist.  No sane person would actually be in favor of fascism.   

You really need to step away from the conspiracy theory and hate group supported media coverage.

Democracy is not socialism or communism.  To perpetuate such lies really shows a total ignorance of history and government.
2020-09-03 11:14 am
Blacks are such wonderful people. Burn Loot Murder!
2020-09-03 11:14 am
San Diego is an exception...hmmm big riots.
2020-09-03 11:18 am
Thank you, I will be voting Democratic. The Orange has ruined the USA and is not a President for all Americans. It's like Everything is so extreme and he stirs up chaos but the worst is he lies so easily and really does not care about any of us.
2020-10-17 4:45 pm
ds have the reasoning abilities  of casino slot machines,and the cassette revolving tape of parking instructions on airport speakers
2020-09-03 11:22 pm
Nobody asked them for permission
2020-09-03 11:15 am
In trumps America 
2020-09-03 11:18 am
Don't compare Democrats to Marxists, that's an insult to the latter, not to mention completely inaccurate. We don't want to be associated with those neoliberals.
Both the Democratic and Republican parties represent the interests of the American capitalist class, two sides of the same coin. The Democratic Party still upholds capitalism and American imperialism.
2020-09-03 11:15 am
No they arent cowards 

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