Is it too soon?

2020-09-02 10:01 am
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a month. I’ve never met anyone who I’ve connected with so fast and so well! We enjoy our time together and not long ago we decided to spend the weekend  together alone. So my parents and I’m pretty sure his parents are super freaked out by it..... now I’m really thinking we are moving to fast. What should I do.

回答 (4)

2020-09-02 10:33 am
thats up to you
2020-09-02 10:20 am
You know what feels right in your heart, go for it and the whole nine yards with anal and everything, good luck, you crazy kids!
2020-09-02 10:19 am
If you are over the age of 20 - then whatever - do what you want to.  You are old enough to handle the consequences of your actions.  You should be mature enough to know that break-ups happen sometimes no matter how well connected you might feel.  You are also old enough that you shouldn't be feeling pressured into a physical relationship.  Anything that happens is because you both want it to.

Hopefully, you are also old enough to have safe sex and avoid a pregnancy that the relationship might not be ready for  yet.  (pulling out is NOT birth control and just using plan B is also NOT a good idea since it should be for emergencies only)

Parents worry that their children will become too attached to the person they are dating and then be extremely hurt if something happens to the relationship.  Stepping the relationship into a level that includes spending weekends together (which obviously implies a sexual relationship) puts the relationship into a level that could cause even more emotional pain if something happens and the relationship doesn't work out.  Parents usually hope that their children will date longer before their relationship reaches this level.  (and - parents are also worried that their young adult child will end up with a baby that they weren't ready for.)  

As for "moving too fast" - I can top your story  - (first date was a blind date set up by a relative - we were married in less than six months and have been together for over 33 years.)
2020-09-02 10:09 am
Did not say how old you are.  Parents tend to freak out more when you are younger.  If you are over 18, you get to make up your own mind about when is right.  If you are under 18, you can probably do whatever you want if you want to be sneaky, but you should consider that you might not really have best judgement yet.  
      But at the end of your question, you wonder if you are moving too fast.  If it does not seem right to you, then you have the right to change your mind.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:41
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