why is it that whenever some "hollyweirdo" dies of a drug overdose, or a suicide, the media whores "clean it up" by claiming it was cancer ?

2020-08-30 9:18 pm
.case in point...this latest hollyweird NOBODY dieing off. (actor from "black panther").

回答 (3)

2020-08-30 10:15 pm
Let's hope you never get terminal cancer.
2020-08-30 9:56 pm
Proof that homeschooling produces losers. 
2020-08-30 9:26 pm
The coroner is not politically correct, he calls it as it is. The only exception was Marilyn Monroe, who's records were sealed for national security.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:58:33
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