8 935 rounded to the nearest thousand is?

2020-08-29 9:55 pm

回答 (7)

2020-08-29 9:56 pm
8 935 ≈ 9 000  (to the nearest thousand)
2020-08-31 11:02 pm
8,935~9,000 is the answer.
2020-08-30 8:51 am
8,935 = 9,000 (round to the nearest thousand)
2020-08-30 2:04 am
8,935 = 9,000 (round to the nearest thousand)
2020-08-30 1:47 am
8935 rounded to 1000=9000.
2020-08-29 10:10 pm
8,935 rounded to the nearest thousand is 9,000 because 900 is greater than 500
2020-08-29 10:05 pm
// If you're rounding to the nearest THOUSAND,
// check the HUNDRED digit (immediately to the RIGHT of
// the thousands place):
//          If the HUNDRED digit ≥ 5,
//                   increase the THOUSAND digit by 1 and
//                   set the remaining HUNDREDs, TENs, and ONEs digits to 0
//          If the HUNDRED digit < 5,
//                   set the remaining HUNDREDs, TENs, and ONEs digits to 0

8 935
   ^---------9 ≥ 5 so

8 935 rounded to nearest THOUSAND = 9 000............ANS

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