Which do you prefer?

2020-08-29 2:58 pm
1. Dr Pepper or Mountain Dew
2. KFC or Dairy Queen 

1. Love both but Dr Pepper more
2. Love both but KFC more

回答 (10)

2020-08-29 3:00 pm
Dr Pepper for sure.
None & we have no Dairy Queen here.
2020-08-30 12:15 am
I've never cared for either of those drinks.  
I used to use "KFC" (always "Kentucky Fried Chicken" to me), but dropped it like a chunk of hot lava upon learning that the criminal serial-lying fat dotard Orange Fraud is one of its customers.  It will remain in purgatory until he's dead.  
My wife & I dropped Dairy Queen after it ran an ad a few years ago in which it was disparaging to cats.  I miss its grape milkshakes, but won't tolerate promotion of such ill-considered anti-animal ideology.   
2020-08-31 8:09 am
Dr Pepper and  Dairy Queen.
2020-08-29 3:30 pm
1 mountain dew
2 kfc for dinner and dairy queen for ice cream 
2020-08-29 3:25 pm
Dr. Pepper, I have a Uncle that drives a Delivery van for them.
Neither, I eat at t Chinsese place for lunch everyday.
2020-08-29 3:08 pm
dr pepper; only 1 mountain dew that i love but it has been discontinued for many years now. i think they recently brought it back but it's under a new name or something. maybe it is the same one but it was the blue world of warcraft promotional mountain dew. 

they have one at the gas station across from my house called volt or something but it reminds me of that one but idk if it is the same one or different. 

i go to neither kfc or dairy queen. if i had to choose though probably dairy queen. due to ice cream. here in Hawaii if you like fried chicken there is  a local chain here that makes pretty damn good fried chicken imo and they are open 24/7. 

im not a fried chicken person though unless it's like tenders or something so i can't say but what i like about their chicken is the outside isn't soft. when i go to kfc or say popeyes or any other chicken chains the outside is typically what i call soft. you know how you double fry french fries? when i like my chicken double fried. it makes the outside a little more crunchy 
2020-08-29 3:05 pm
Dr Pepper is revolting. Never been to Dairy Queen but don't mind KFC
2020-08-29 10:42 pm
1. I gave up soda 8 years ago.
2. If at all possible I avoid eating out.
2020-08-29 3:07 pm
Mountain Dew cause I’m more of a coke person. Dairy Queen has great ice cream, but shitty food so I guess it depends on if I’m going for a meal or dessert.
2020-08-29 3:15 pm
Me: Dr Peppers is disgusting and I am vegan.

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