Are there a any retirement plans for someone in this situation.?

2020-08-29 2:18 pm
I'm disabled and unable to work a regular job. Receive social security and have been working at a carwash. I have found a few options but they seem to be mostly for private business owners. My father worked 40 years in the PERS program and has that money he built coming to him for the rest of his life. Looking to find something so I can build and have that when I get older.

回答 (3)

2020-08-29 2:32 pm
Retirement plans are basically a 401k, a Roth or an IRA.  You would have to have a job to contribute to a 401k.  You can open another retirement account on your own, but you are going to have to have money to put into that account.  Have you considered consulting a financial advisor?
2020-08-29 10:39 pm
You can contribute to an IRA
2020-08-29 2:49 pm
If you have earned income you can contribute to an IRA each year up to the limits of either the IRA or your earned income.  100% of my retirement will come from my savings and my IRA. I no longer have earned income so I can no longer contribute.  You can invest within the IRA which I did when I was younger and its grown a lot over 30+ years.  You can also invest out of an IRA. I did that too.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:58:02
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