Should I allow BLM people’s into my house.?

2020-08-29 4:56 am
They have surrounded my house cause I refused to to the BLMhand sign at work. I put my hand out but forgot to make a fist. I had my palm flat and pointed downward. This seemed to drive them mad. Now they are around my house trying to get in and shouting hazy. Do you think if I let them it it would calm them and they would stop and tell me what I dis?

回答 (8)

2020-08-29 5:00 am
Lying for Jesus, or for Trump? 
2020-08-29 4:57 am
Cool story, bro.
2020-08-29 5:05 am
You are such a liar.
2020-08-29 4:57 am
Shut up...            
2020-08-29 5:58 am
Yeah, sure, we believe your story, bro.  Needs more dragons, though.  
2020-08-29 4:58 am
See, I TOLD YOU that automatic rifle behind the door would save your butt someday .......................
2020-08-29 9:12 am
"shouting hazy" - and just how is that done.
Call the cops.
2020-08-29 7:50 am
The fact of the matter: No: Call the law and tell the police that these people are bothering you and get them off of your property, whatever you do don't let them into your house, they might try to kill you.
參考: King James holy bible

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