When my wife and I divorced should we be considered too old as we were  in our early seventies?

2020-08-28 5:09 pm
My wife and I came together during the time she was to become age 16 three days later during 1954. However, we married for different reasons because my wife's father was killed at the battle of Arnam during 1942 and I wanted to leave home at the age of 22 because we married March 1958.

回答 (2)

2020-08-28 5:14 pm
What the hell are you on about?? What the hell has the battle of Arnhem (yes, that's how you spell it) got to do with it? And anyway, that was 1944, not 42. You sound REALLY uneducated and yes, your wife SHOULD divorce you, moron. 
2020-08-28 11:34 pm
Probably, I doubt if you will ever find a woman who you would be satisfied with. 

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