How is it that a Global Warming guru, Michael Mann, can lose his case? Can't Global Warming ever be proven in science or a court of law?

2020-08-28 2:25 am

It was dismissed with prejudice and Mann is ordered to cough up some lawyer's fees to Ball.

回答 (5)

2020-08-28 3:59 am
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When a scientist who has a paper peered reviewed and when asked to provide information as to how he derived his conclusion refuses to provide it, is nothing but a con artist. That is what Michael "hockey stick" Mann is. 

Mike's nature trick manipulation of past temperature data is a key piece of the Climategate fiascoes which were "whitewashed" by the establishment. Then when he arrogantly sued Tim Ball, he received a rude awakening and got his @ss kicked.

Global Warming alarmism is has no scientific support, it is based  on hunches. The greenhouse effect theory has failed to pass through the scientific method and CO2 does not trap heat.
2020-08-28 2:31 am
I never dug into the Climate Gate thing until last week.

Here are 3 of many dubious quotes I found.  

I just want to know:  What is a "real" temperature?  LOL
2020-08-28 3:18 am
Considering that his case has absolutely nothing to do with the reality of global warming, he could win it, lose it, settle it out of court and anthropogenic global warming will still be real. Several papers have demonstrated that the warming is real and caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases at better than a 99 percent level of significance.

Look Sagebrush, you're going to have to explain why this past decade has been the warmest on record, beating out the 2000s, which were warmer than the 1990s, which were warmer than the 1980s, which were warmer than the 1970s.  Now matter what fantasy world you live in, it is warming.  That's why glaciers are retreating, that's why Greenland has been losing more than 200 billion tonnes of ice per year, that's why the Arctic sea ice has been declining for many decades.

In answer to the Clown Troll, you've asked like ten thousand irrelevant questions in the last year, and you're still so ignorant you don't know what was meant by real temperature?
2020-08-28 9:48 am
Hi SB, good to see that you are alive and in good health amid the pandemic. 

I think that Mann should have released the data, that would have helped his case in Canadian court. I'm not very well versed in law but here is an excerpt: 
''The problem for him is that the Canadian court holds that you cannot withhold documents that are central to your charge of defamation regardless of the US ruling''

It does not change the fact that the temperatures are still going up, not down. 

Also, IDK if you remember Gary, he used to post here, I have exchanged a lot of emails with him after posting questions inquiring about climategate. Gary has worked with Mann, and apparently Mann is right on about the hockey stick, BUT apparently Mann is also a jerk to work with and full of himself. 

People that are full of themselves are like that, they want their cake and to eat it too, Mann seemed to have eaten too much cake, and was too proud to produce the documents the Canadian court asked for. But like I told you, it doesn't change the fact that Mann's work is scientifically correct. 

Stay safe from the COVID you old goat!
2020-08-28 5:59 am
Delingpole is a renowned clown, not a scientist, he doesn't even listen to scientists, he gets all his information from blogs

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