The standard-state reduction potential?

2020-08-26 6:07 am
The standard-state reduction potential for the reaction: O2(g) + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O(l) is 1.037 V (vs the Ag/AgCl reference electrode in 1 M KCl). The electrode potential of the Ag/AgCl reference electrode is 192 mV relative to the standard hydrogen electrode, SHE. What is the reduction potential of this same reaction vs the SHE reference electrode?

回答 (2)

2020-08-26 11:16 am
O₂(g) + 4H⁺(aq) + 4e⁻ → 2H₂O(ℓ)    E° = y V
AgCl(s) + e → Ag(s) + Cl⁻(aq)        E° = 192 mV = 0.192 V

O₂(g) + 4H⁺(aq) + 4Ag(s) + 4Cl⁻ → 2H₂O(ℓ) + 4AgCl(s)  E°cell = 1.037 V

E°cell = E°(red) - E°(oxid)
1.037 = y - 0.192
y = 1.037 + 0.192
y = 1.229

The reduction potential of this same reaction vs the SHE reference electrode
= 0.1229 V
2020-08-26 8:31 am
1.037 + 0.192 = 1.229 V

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:58:05
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