What is your favorite conspiracy theory?

2020-08-25 8:34 pm

回答 (17)

2020-08-25 9:07 pm
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It has to do with the old Popeye cartoons and spinach.  I believe this spinach-eating character was created for the sole purpose of trying to trick kids into thinking eating that awful stuff will make you strong and cool.  It's a conspiracy I tell ya!  It's just wrong, wrong, wrong!
2020-08-26 2:34 am
i always liked the hollow earth conspiracy theory. i believe there aliens living in earth!
2020-08-25 8:48 pm
Mattress Firm is a money laundering front 
2020-08-26 2:08 pm
The Technological Singulairty, I think it's already happened and Governments aren't telling us that th AI has launched a baby computer into space that we will never find.
2020-08-25 8:55 pm
9/11 inside job
2020-08-26 10:56 am
is santa clause real?
2020-08-26 8:45 am
None I hate them. They are all nuts. 
2020-08-26 3:57 am
Its only a conspiracy theory until its proven true.
2020-08-25 8:41 pm
......that i found the g-spot
2020-08-26 5:59 am
None. All those   I believe in are not theories, they are based in fact. Like, 9/11. No "theory" it Was an inside job.. I trust a  Chicago Fire Chief,  FDNY fireman's eyewitness accounts,  engineers, architects,  videos of LSC's going off, Mark Louseaux's professional experience. Our Govt might have a reason to lie, but these men Don't.  Why testify it was an inside job? Why not take Safe route and lie it was the work  of 6 lone Arabs? That burning JP-4 can :"melt steel and concrete"?
By Whom, and Why,  now, that can be tossed about.
The Roswell Cover-Up. It is definitely a very Sloppy cover- up of something.
What  and why can be bandied about but it was big enough to scare the US Military.
JFK's assassination. A  Fact at least two different shooters. A Fact govt somehow  involved or Warren Report wouldn't have been sealed 50 years.
Also; who, why, is a CT.


收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:08:42
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