Question for Physics?

2020-08-25 2:32 pm
At an air show, a jet is approaching you at a speed of 140 m/s. You hear the jet engine at
a frequency of 775 Hz. What was the emitted frequency of the jet engine? It was a hot day so the speed of sound was 349 m/s.

回答 (1)

2020-08-25 3:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Speed of sound, c = 349 m/s
Speed of the jet moving toward the receiver. vₛ = 140 m/s
Speed of the receiver, vᵣ = 0 m/s
Observed frequency, f = 775 Hz

Doppler effect: f = [(c + 0)/(c - vₛ)]fₒ
Then, fₒ = [(c - vₛ)/c]f

Emitted frequency, fₒ = [(349 - 140)/349] × 775 Hz = 464 Hz

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:58:09
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