Are people scrambling to get to the US coming to join with Marxist Socialist so they can experience the American Dream? ?

2020-08-25 11:23 am
People coming here from Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico just to name a few already know and have experienced the false hope of Socialism! They know SOCIALISM IS A SOUL KILLER AND NOT COMPATIBLE WITH FREEDOM! SOCIALISM DOES NOT CREATE WEALTH “IT TAKES IT”!

回答 (5)

2020-08-25 1:07 pm
Illegal aliens are trying to gain benefits.
The problem is they only their old world corruptions, and many are upset that the US Border Patrol and ICE do Not accept the bribes offered.

If the Illegal Aliens (IA) can gain a foot hold with the US Democrats the IA will attempt to make the legal system as corrupt as the countries from which they "Escaped".  Habit.
2020-10-17 4:47 pm
reason Dcrats want open borders,new subservient voters and supporters for the regime  free stuff come n gityores
2020-08-25 12:00 pm
@tay yay You can not be that stupid. Oh wait yes you can. How does a wealthy person hoard wealth unless you are a socialist elite who confiscates wealth in the promise to redistribute it! Are your socialist elite leaders sharing the wealth with you? If they are then what’s the beef?The American capitalist system has pulled more people out of poverty than any where on the planet. If you can’t make it here you CANNOT MAKE IT ANYWHERE! This is why people are coming here. The right to pursue happiness! The right to private property! Socialist believe in neither! Except for the elite leaders such as Castro or Muduro! I will wager the reason you begrudge the wealthy ( SUCCESSFUL ) is because you spend more time hating than working and looking how you too can realize the American dream. A new immigrant will come here and within a couple years leave people like you in the dust getting ahead and enjoying the life of freedom and success! Stop wasting your energies on the negative and get to work. You can thank me now!
2020-08-25 11:25 am
Then they’re coming to what you would call a socialist nation, since the rich don’t create wealth they hoard wealth, we saw some of the biggest wealth distributions in history go to mega corporations and the ultra wealthy 
2020-08-25 11:24 am
Whoa...lay off the drugs, pal.
2020-08-25 11:25 am
Not any more...... 

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