How do you prove that a/b=ab^-1?

2020-08-24 10:38 pm
how to prove this using field axioms??

回答 (6)

2020-08-24 11:42 pm
= a / b
= 1 × (a/b)              (Identity)
= (b⁻¹ × b) × (a/b)   (Inverse)
= b⁻¹ × (a × b/b)     (Associativity)
= b⁻¹ × (a × 1)        (Identity)
= b⁻¹ × a                 (Identity)
= a b⁻¹                    (Commutativity)
= R.H.S.

Hence, a / b = a b⁻¹
2020-08-24 10:44 pm
by definition b^(–1) = 1/b
2020-08-27 2:11 am
Suppose S is a field, then the subset S'=S-{0} forms
a commutative group under multiplication with the neutral element=1.
Let a, b & x be the element of S' &
(since 1/b is an element in S')
2020-08-26 1:57 pm
a/b = a(b^-1)

Multiply both sides by (1/a) and we have

1/b = b^-1

Multiply both sides by b

1 = b (b^-1)

Using law of exponents , right hand side becomes

 b ^ (1 - 1)

= b ^ 0

= 1 

Left hand side is now equal to right hand side i.e.

1 = 1

2020-08-25 9:30 am
a/b = a/b = ab^-1
2020-08-25 12:56 am
Read billrussel42's short answer and think about awarding a favorite there.

There is no division operation in (the usual statement of) the field axioms.  Division is *defined* to mean: x / y = x • y⁻¹.  There is no proof for a definition.

A later answer gives a long-winded "proof", but stumbles at the fifth step where it replaces b/b with 1 without explanation.  That's basically assuming what is to be proven, at least for the case b=a.  If you try to "fix" the missing explanation by first replacing a/b with a • b⁻¹, according to the definition, then you have directly used what is to be proven.

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