Is it ok to smoke weed at work?

2020-08-24 5:42 am
Either on break or in the clock. Should employees be restricted to smoking weed in the parking lot at work or can they do that inside the building?

回答 (19)

2020-08-28 1:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I snort cocaine at my office desk infront of my coworkers

my boss is always drinking with the door shut and the HR lady is always getting humped in the restroom by the new hot shot recruit..
2020-08-24 9:14 am
No. Just like you shouldn’t drink alcohol and then go back to work. 
2020-08-25 12:33 am
2020-08-24 9:52 pm
Absolutely not.  It would be like drinking alcohol during break times because it can interfer with an employees performance.   Most place of employment will certainly fire someone for that. 
2020-08-24 7:07 pm
Not if you want to get your work done.  (Unless you're a musician, of course.)  :-)

It's no more acceptable than being drunk on the job.  You're being paid to work, not to be baked.
2020-08-24 6:07 am
That would be determined by each individual workplace, not random strangers on the internet, dude.
2020-08-24 5:47 am
 WHAT DO YOU THINK? MY GOD.......If you are stupid enough to ask this, I think you have already been smoking on the job. IT IS ILLEGAL and against ALL COMPANIES Policies..If it IS legal in your state, you are only allowed to smoke it in your home or backyard, not in public.....ANYWHERE! 
2020-08-24 5:44 am
2020-08-31 11:14 pm
In general, no
2020-08-30 10:43 am
No problem. Smoke away all day. Nobody will notice how well you fly that plane anyway. 
2020-08-29 5:31 am
Yes esp when you work in the food industry.
2020-08-27 7:19 pm
In Britain no smoking of any sort is allowed in any building open to the public, and that includes workplaces.

I assume that you have asked a troll question, since no employer would allow smoking of any sort of drug in working hours or break times.
2020-08-27 10:46 am
Weed is slowly but surely becoming more culturely acceptable. Please don't ruin it for the rest of us by pushing your luck.
2020-08-27 1:56 am
No. No is the answer. 
參考: Common sense
2020-08-26 2:35 am
WHAT'S YOUR JOB?!?!?! DJ?!?!
2020-08-24 10:38 pm
Ultimately, this is going to come down to individual workplace policy.  Generally, weed, alcohol and other drugs are not considered appropriate in most workplace environments.
2020-08-29 3:02 pm
NO. As far as I'm concern, the government should NEVER legalize weed. Not good for your heath. Not safe of everything that you do!
2020-08-24 6:56 am
Well you should not be high at work ever for any reason.  I'd fire you in a minute.  It's also not legal if you have a safety sensitive position.  
2020-08-24 6:33 pm
No, it is not. Repent in the name of Jesus Christ Himself. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:02:21
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